
Donald Trump returns to OH – with Newt Gingrich

A spokesman for Gov. Mike Pence says the governor and his wife met with Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump and his wife Saturday.


‘I’m not saying anything, and I’m not telling even Newt anything, ‘ he told his audience in Cincinnati, Ohio, ‘but I can tell you in one form or another, Newt Gingrich is going to be involved with our government.

“I mean, since I’ve started following Donald Trump and become a huge fan of his, I’ve felt so patriotic, it’s like I just feel, he makes you feel proud to be an American and that’s how it should be”, Noelle Rooks of Delhi said.

Mr. Gingrich is strong in areas where Mr. Trump is weak. That’s for sure, right? “But if it is Newt, no one’s beating him in the debates”. “(Trump) is going to kick over the table”. This, a day after FBI Director James Comey said “no reasonable prosecutor” would bring charges against the former State Department secretary.

About 4,000 people yelled, “No!”

“I like Newt”, the presumptive nominee said amid supporters chanting “Newt, Newt!” in Cincinnati.

‘They are once again making the case that there are two Americas, ‘ he said of Clinton and her husband, the former president.

“You shouldn’t have taken it down”, he said. “I’d rather have someone who is honest and says things I don’t agree with than lie to me – like Hillary” Clinton, said 28-year-old Rooks, of Delhi Township.

Then pivoting to praising Trump, Gingrich said, “I know of no example in American history of a moment where the leader and the American people came together as fast as they have in the past year with Donald Trump”.

Lasting less than a half-minute, the oddly framed backstage footage gave viewers a glimpse into how senior citizens see emerging technologies.

Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich addressing the Conservative Political Action Conference annual meeting in National Harbor, Md. on March 8, 2014.

‘Wow, that’s fantastic. That’s attractive, ‘ he replied. Bob Corker and Iowa Sen.

To the cheers of more than a dozen sign-weilding Democrats, Sittenfeld said Trump’s vision doesn’t extend beyond “his own needs and ego”. Donors will pay $2,700 to get into the fundraiser, $10,000 for a photo with Trump and $25,000 for a private roundtable discussion with him.


‘Nah, ‘ he added as laughs roared from the rafters of a convention center hall. That may be tough, but that’s okay’.

IS IT NEWT? Donald Trump wouldn't let his audience in on his VP thinking Wednesday night in Cincinnati Ohio but former House Speaker Newt Gingrich got rave reviews among the crowd for his running-mate audition