
Donald Trump’s campaign reflects negativity: Hillary Clinton

Ahead of her speech, retired four star General John Allen, the former head of USA and worldwide forces in Afghanistan, delivered a powerful speech in which he told delegates that Clinton would be “exactly the Commander-in-Chief America needs”.


The GOP convention in Cleveland in the past week, by contrast, portrayed the a diminished country that could only be repaired by Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump.

Sanders supporters were already dismayed that Clinton passed over liberal favorites like U.S. Senator Elizabeth Warren of MA to select the more moderate U.S. Senator Tim Kaine of Virginia as her vice presidential running mate.

Presenting her vision of inclusive growth for America that maintains its global leadership and military power, the Democratic presidential nominee warned voters that a man who could be baited with a tweet cannot be trusted with nuclear weapons. She aggressively challenged Republican Donald Trump’s ability to do the same.

“We beat her by millions on television”.

“The lesson she passed on to me years later stuck with me: No one gets through life alone”. “But I’m here to tell you tonight – progress is possible”.

The Clinton camp questioned whether Russians may have had a hand in the hack attack on the party’s emails out of an interest in helping Trump, who has exchanged words of praise with Russian President Vladimir Putin. “And the way to do that is to roll out a bunch of well-known Republicans saying, ‘Hey I’m for Hillary, ‘” said former Pennsylvania Gov. Ed Rendell.

As she prepared to deliver her speech, people familiar with the matter said the FBI is investigating a cyber attack against another Democratic Party group, which may be related to an earlier hack against the Democratic National Committee.

From this point forward, the emails are going to be thought of as Trump’s calling for Russian help, not as a Clinton failing.

“My primary mission as president will be to create more opportunities and more good jobs with rising wages right here in the United States from my first day in office to my last”, Clinton said on the final day of the four-day Democratic National Convention.

Clinton and Kaine head into the general election seeking support from the same coalition of voters that propelled Obama into the White House: blacks, Hispanics, women and young people.

Clinton, who is vying to be the first woman elected USA president, called her nomination “a milestone”.

“When any barrier falls in America, for anyone, it clears the way for everyone”.

Trump countered that Clinton had the “worst judgement [sic]”.

Bernie supporters, emboldened by the recent DNC email leak, took to the streets in Philadelphia to voice their displeasure with Hillary and the Democrat party as a whole.

The convention provided hours of glowing tributes, including deeply personal testimonials from her husband, former President Bill Clinton, and former boss, President Barack Obama.

During her speech, Clinton also reached out to supporters of Bernie Sanders, many of whom think she is too moderate. “I thought her speech was solid”.

She also stressed the importance of her Methodist faith, as well as her early work going door-to-door on behalf of children with disabilities in MA. And the real problem is what was said on those e-mails from the Democratic National Committee.

Clinton will nearly certainly get a bump in the polls because of the highly polished Democratic Convention.

“Some people just don’t know what to make of me”, she said with a frankness that is unusual in American politics. Clinton alleged that Trump wants to divide Americans. “Donald Trump consistently smears the character of Muslims”, he said. Trump furniture in Turkey, not Ohio.


Asking Trump if he had ever read the U.S. Constitution, Khan pulled out a pocket book of the document and said: “I will gladly lend you my copy”.

Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton gives two thumbs up as she arrives to accept the nomination on the fourth and final night at the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia Pennsylvania