
Donald Trump’s campaign spokesperson weighs in before North Charleston GOP debate

“One potential attack noted Trump’s recent remark ‘to a Christian audience in Iowa that he has “never asked God for forgiveness”‘”.


Now the once cordial relationship has turned toxic. For his part, Cruz said he is “not interested in throwing rocks” at Trump. “He’s so outside the norm that every day is a new adventure with him”.

Wilkinson: So is it fair to say that you were comfortable with McCain’s circumstances in 2008 but you would not be able to apply your conclusions from that experience to the very different circumstances of Senator Cruz? In fact, he nearly expected them. “I have no doubt that we’re going to start, in the next week or two, start creeping up a little bit and get that momentum when it matters”.

In an interview with the Associated Press in Iowa, Republican presidential candidate former Gov. Jeb Bush (R-FL) said he is fighting for the cause of “conservatism” against his rival Donald Trump.

Wilkinson: Those are a lot of supporting factors: USA parents on a US military base in a U.S.-controlled territory.

Cruz gained Attorney General Adam Laxalt’s endorsement Wednesday. I think put your best card forward.

The debate pool is shrinking this time with Kentucky Sen.

Three candidates who are running on their records of governing big states – Chris Christie, Jeb Bush, and John Kasich – will also be on stage, in one of the last prime-time opportunities to shape their narratives and boost their numbers before voting in Iowa begins.

Writing in The Boston Globe, Laurence Tribe – who taught both President Barack Obama and Cruz at the Harvard Law School – said it’s unclear whether a more modern interpretation of the Constitution allows a person of Cruz’s status to run. There are some who think that after Iowa and New Hampshire, that Trump actually isn’t gonna win any of them, and when that happens, the whole dynamic is changed. Rick Santorum and former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee on stage.

“By any reasonable criteria, Sen”. “He will not let the media decide the tiers of this race and will instead take his message directly to the voters of New Hampshire and Iowa”. He’s focused on a good showing in New Hampshire.

The newly defined rivalry could hit new heights on Thursday night, when the two come face to face on the debate stage here in Charleston. All of them made the cut for the main debate.

“That will allow for more interaction”, he said.

“And frankly, if you would’ve been there, and if you would’ve lived through that like I did with NY people-the way they handled that attack was one of the most incredible things that anybody has ever seen”. “That issue will kind of ignite itself and segue into foreign policy”. He says it’s “the latest sign that party voters are ready to accept the outspoken real estate developer as their 2016 nominee”. Why are we not seeing the same “birther” crusade against Cruz that we saw against Obama?

“Promising to carpet bomb until the desert glows”, Clinton said, “doesn’t make you sound strong, it makes you sound like you’re in over your head”.

However, Herzik added while there might be more issues in the narrative, he doesn’t expect much in the form of substance. “So, how are you reacting to that and is that affecting his campaign at all?”

“She’s weak on immigration”, the businessman said.

“The debates have just gotten ugly”, she said.


The debate, on the Fox Business Network, is due to begin at 9 p.m. ET on Thursday (0200 GMT on Friday). It starts shortly after 9 p.m. ET.

Bush sees conservatism at stake in '16