
Donald Trump’s Controversial Week

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump has shown he is not one to back down.


Speaking in Birmingham on Saturday, the billionaire businessman also linked current terrorist concerns in the U.S., following the attacks in France, with 9/11. Others who live in Jersey City are reacting as well. A fight broke out, prompting Trump to briefly halt his remarks and demand the removal of Southall.

In replies to Trump’s controversial tweet, users have called him out on sharing the bogus numbers as if they were fact. “Get him the hell out of here”.

Southall was expelled from the building. The crowd alternated between booing and cheering.

He added that the Black Lives Matter demonstrator did not need medical assistance. Later, Trump appeared to justify the roughing up of the black protester.

“It’s not even a little bit anymore, it’s a lot”, Trump said Sunday. “You can get ’em out, but don’t hurt ’em”.

There’s no conclusive evidence that New Jersey residents celebrated the attacks, and there’s no evidence whatsoever of any demonstrations where “thousands and thousands of people” cheered.

Trump doubled down on his comments Sunday during a phone interview with George Stephanopoulos on ABC’s The Week.

However, despite Trump’s “data” the Federal Bureau of Investigation says otherwise. “It was on television”.

Democrat Steven Fulop, Jersey City Mayor, called Trump’s accusations “absurd” and lashed out at him on Twitter. “Trump was not asked by the Fox News hosts about the comments made by his campaign”.

Carson, who has said he favored what he considered a fairly easy measure to undermine the Islamic State’s finances by destroying their oil fields, was questioned on that point after President Barack Obama said such methods aren’t so simple according to the “best military minds”.

Then, Thursday, Trump spoke with Yahoo News on the issue of tracking Muslims through databases.

A black activist attended a rally for the Republican candidate Donald Trump in Birmingham, Alabama, on Saturday and was attacked while chanting “Black Lives Matter”, according to CBS News.

Chaverst says he was escorted out of the BJCC without a physical altercation, but Southall says he was kicked, punched, choked.

Southall said he intends to press charges against those who assaulted him. Southall likened the incident as to being “swarmed” as he faced a “lynch mob”.

Whether it’s politically correct is irrelevant. They took over his microphone.

“I will see what happens”. Not going to happen.

PunditFact examined Needham’s claim that the United States accepted two-thirds of the world’s refugees in 2013. “Build a wall! Build a wall!” “All I want to do is a level playing field”, Trump said.


From the media area, reporters strained to see what was happening.

Black Lives Matter Protester Tackled by Crowd at Trump Rally in Alabama