
Donald Trump’s coronation: Day three of Republican convention

New Jersey Governor Chris Christie, a Trump ally, said it was time for Cruz and other holdouts to get fully behind Trump.


He advised voters, “please don’t stay home in November”-a rallying call for conservatives to vote for Republican candidates down the ballot”. He described Trump as a man who never quits and an independent spirit best suited to represent the land of the free and the fearless.

Though Cruz received some of the loudest cheers of the convention when he was introduced, he was met with an equal amount of boos when he finished without supporting Trump. “Than all of the people who voted in the elections?” he said.

“It’s a state that is special because it’s not special, because it’s a reflection of the nation and has been for a very long time”, Kondik said. Trump made sure it was clear to whom that title belonged, appearing in his seating box just as Cruz was wrapping up, to the sound of boos from the crowd. “Until now, he’s had to do it all by himself against all odds, but this week, with this united party, he’s got backup”.

Trump chose Pence as his running mate because of the IN governor’s strong credentials with the Republican base and legislative experience IN Congress. Trump supporters and Republicans who want to beat Clinton hope Pence cannot only balance the GOP ticket but also mollify skeptics of the brash business mogul.

In hewing closely to Trump’s campaign pitch, however, Scott must have had to swallow hard, because he uttered a line contradicting almost every one of his pronouncements since he took office in January 2011: “Our economy is not growing”, Scott said.

While Cruz’s remarks were a striking rebuke of the presidential nominee, they weren’t entirely surprising, given this is a man who referred to Trump back in May as “utterly amoral”, “a pathological liar”, and “a narcissist at a level I don’t think this country has ever seen”.

Three days into the convention, unity remained elusive, though not for lack of effort from Mr. Trump’s backers, who said the holdout candidates who have refused to endorse the party’s nominee despite promising to do so during the campaign are hypocrites.

Jerry Hruby, 68, a delegate and 29-year mayor of Brecksville, said Trump “does not need to bash Hillary” tonight. It’s time to fight for a new direction for America. Donald Trump will rebuild our military and stand with our allies.

“For those of you who don’t know me, which is most of you, I grew up on the front row of the American dream”, Pence said, telling the crowd of his upbringing in southern Indiana.

“I wasn’t gonna let those SOBs turn Lyin’ Ted into Cryin’ Ted”, the Texas Republican said. We respect what he’s done for the Republican Party.

“During the course of the speech more and more people were coming down closer and closer to Heidi and [Ted Cruz’s father] Rafael”.

Mr. Trump’s brash style and withering insults aimed at his opponents during the campaign ensured a hard healing process.

McIver is listed as a co-author on at least five of Donald Trump’s books.

Cruz aides said the Texas senator informed Trump on Monday that he wouldn’t endorse him.

Still, Trump’s campaign invited Cruz to speak – in a headliner role, no less. We can not have four more years apologizing to our enemies and abandoning our friends. Williams said the Baltimore-based NAACP stands “with, behind, and beside lawful law enforcement as they bring about public safety”.


‘He’d always take my call, ‘ she said.

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