
Donald Trump’s Facebook fans make more grammatical errors

The findings are consistent with studies that do show Republicans are generally are less likely to go to college than Democrats.


The most-took after Democratic presidential applicant has the slightest syntactically rectify Facebook supporters, as indicated by another online study from Grammarly.

Hillary Clinton advocates roll in at the underside for the Democrats, conecting with individuals of Carly Fiorina, who is at the in the record for the Republicans – followers for every one averaged four.thee blunders per 100 thoughts. The company concluded that supporters of Republican candidates made more errors than supporters of Democrats, used less diverse words, and Donald Trump supporters were the worst grammar offenders of them all. Fiorina and Clinton meet in the middle at 6.3.

The automated proofreading site looked at the Facebook page for each declared presidential candidate and pulled comments of at least fifteen words that expressed positive or neutral feelings about them.

Grammarly sampled comments of 15 or more words on candidates’ official Facebook pages between April and August 2015. Obviously negative or critical comments, as well as ambiguous or borderline negative comments, were disqualified. Using Grammarly, we identified the errors in the comments, which were then verified and tallied by a team of live proofreaders. For the goal of the study, Grammarly only counted misspellings, wrong or missing punctuation, misused or missing words, and subject-verb disagreement, letting slang words, serial commas, and miswritten numerals slide.


So – feel free to complain about the results, but please do so with proper grammar.

New Survey Shows GOP Supporters Tend to Make More Grammatical Errors Than