
Donald Trump’s lead in New Hampshire narrows a little

Trump, whose campaign operation has been criticized for failing to turn out voters in Iowa, added that he thinks people will come out to vote for him in New Hampshire.


At another campaign event in Arkansas on Wednesday night, Mr Trump jabbed at his opponent, claiming that he was dishonest and helped push for the confirmation of United States supreme court chief justice John Roberts, who voted for president Barack Obama’s healthcare law.

Carson, who is conspicuously absent in New Hampshire, said the Monday comment amounted to “dirty tricks”.

Ted Cruz, fresh off a win at the Iowa caucus, comes in fifth place in the poll with single digits, just ahead of New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie and Ben Carson.

Carter, who is a Democrat, predicted Hillary Clinton would win his party’s nomination. Marco Rubio got a solid bounce from his performance in Iowa. Christie has lost some ground, dipping 4 points since a CNN/WMUR poll conducted before the Iowa caucuses.

“If former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg runs, he hurts Sanders more than he hurts any of the top Republican contenders”, it said.

Following the vote Rubio said he was the Republican for all Americans and had the best chance of stopping Cruz and Trump. That poll found Trump, at 34%, maintaining a large national lead over both Cruz (18 percent) and Rubio (13 percent).

“Based on the fraud committed by Senator Ted Cruz during the Iowa Caucus, either a new election should take place or Cruz results nullified”, Trump wrote. CNN’s statement said “Dr. Carson’s staff informed CNN that he would return home to take a “deep breath” before resuming his activities on the trail”.

“And finally, Cruz strongly told thousands of caucusgoers (voters) that Trump was strongly in favor of ObamaCare and “choice” – a total lie!”

Trump accused the Cruz campaign of misleading caucus-goers by circulating a false election-night rumor implying that retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson was planning to drop out of the race.


After emerging as the leading “establishment” candidate competing with Trump and Cruz, Rubio faces high stakes in New Hampshire.

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