
Donald Trump’s lead in SC under margin of error

A new survey produced by a Democratic polling firm in North Carolina has tongues wagging in SC.


Clinton, the Democratic presidential nominee, is up 50-44 percent over Republican Donald Trump in the survey, which began a week after the Democratic convention ended.

Tuesday’s data reflect a 1.3 percentage point shift toward Trump from data collected a day earlier and a shift of 1.7 percentage points toward him over the course of seven days, the poll’s full sample size. Clinton’s improved from 58 percent last month. Approximately 43% of voters said they felt threatened by a Hillary Clinton presidency and by the policies of the Republican Party. It has a margin of error of plus or minus 4.6 points. Democratic challenger Russ Feingold leads Republican Sen. Other criticisms against Clinton, such as her “decision to rarely hold news conferences” and her “vote to invade Iraq when she was in the U.S. Senate” bothered less than 30 percent of people a lot.

The last Democrat to win SC?

The former Secretary of State has also increased her advantage over Trump in Colorado and now leads by 46 percent to 32 percent.


“These poll results confirm what has been apparent to me for quite some time: South Carolinians are rejecting the failed policies of the Republican Party and the unsafe divisiveness of their leader, Donald Trump”, party chairman Jamie Harrison said in a statement. However, 13 percent of SC voters remain undecided in the race.

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