
Donald Trump’s Mocking of Reporter ‘Not Worthy’ of a Candidate, Chris Christie

Nihad Awad, executive director of the Council on American-Islamic Relations, said Thursday that Trump has produced no evidence to back up his claim last month that he saw television reports of “thousands of people” in Jersey City cheering as the Twin Towers fell September 11, 2001.


Those people also had with them a model of the World Trade Center. The video, posted to YouTube, includes reports from WCBS, former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani, and recent Fox News shows.

After the apartment was labeled a “hot address”, everyone who lived there was detained by investigators, according to Guzman’s video report.

“They knew that the planes were going to hit, and they wanted a ring-side seat”, Guzmán said in the clip.

Flanked by “The Apprentice” victor Omarosa Manigault-Stallworth, Donald Trump on Monday announced he had been endorsed by “some” but not all of the 100 or more black pastors he had originally claimed would endorse him for president. “I should’ve communicated to them better”, Scott said.

Trump reaffirmed his stance in a subsequent interview with ABC’s George Stephanopoulos, saying, “It did happen”.

“I saw it at the time”. He said there’s no video or photo evidence of what Trump is claiming.

Trump also referenced a report in the Washington Post of “tailgate style” celebrations after the attacks, a report the Washington Post now said was never proven.


“We’re here talking about really serious important issues and whatever Donald Trump has said for the day today is quite frankly nothing I have any interest in responding to, I’m running for president”, Christie said, prompting response from the audience. While Silwa did not witness the events himself, he says in the MTV News report that “calls started coming in from people troubled in the fact that they had just ridden down Main South Paterson, and hours before had seen what appeared to be a large group of people celebrating, cheering”.

Trump speaking at podium