
Donald Trump says he is taking the gloves off against Hillary Clinton

She repeated her attacks on what Clinton characterized as his inexperience and ignorance, calling Trump’s candidacy a danger to the country.


“For those of you out there who are just getting to know Tim Kaine, you will soon understand why the people of Virginia keep promoting him”.

And mocking her Republican counterpart’s notoriously thin skin, Clinton declared, “A man you can bait with a tweet is not a man you can trust with nuclear weapons”.

Clinton has an army of surrogates and validators: Bill, Chelsea, Obama and Biden.

“He wants to divide us, from the rest of the world, and from each other”, she said. Clinton said she’s not here to take away guns. She also addressed how supportive her parents have been through the years.

She presented a sharply more upbeat view of the country than the dark vision Mr Trump offered at last week’s Republican convention, and even turned one of Republican hero Ronald Reagan’s signature phrases against the real estate developer. And we begin a new chapter tonight. For me, it will be up to the people of NY to decide whether I’ll have the privilege of serving them in the United States Senate. “I’m taking the gloves off”, Trump told his supporters at an election rally in Colorado.

Clinton says there’s hope. Initially, she wasn’t supposed to speak on her own, reportedly amid worries she might upstage that year’s ticket of John Edwards and John Kerry. “There is no other voice I would rather have spoken for all of us, and lead this country, than Hillary Clinton”.

“I was curious to see whether she would do a class act and not mention my name or mention it with respect”, Trump said and then he imitated Clinton.

“America is once again at a moment of reckoning”, Clinton said.

Clinton’s final day of the Democratic National Convention featured speeches from a former member of President Ronald Reagan’s administration and a U.S. Chamber of Commerce official who is heading a GOP group supporting Clinton, part of an expanded outreach to Republican voters and donors. Instead, after a bitter primary battle with that young Illinois Senate candidate, she put aside their past differences.


Hillary Clinton closed out the week with a speech that bet against fear and division, an optimistic, self-deprecating pitch driven by the conviction that Americans-Sanders voters as well as Republicans and independents wary of Donald Trump-need to rely on one another to solve the nation’s problems. This is a fight for the future. Get more Spectator for less – just £12 for 12 issues. All week, some Sanders supporters have been wearing apparel with #DNCleaks on it – referencing the leaked emails that have angered Sanders supporters for what they say is collusion between Clinton’s campaign and the Democratic National Committee.

History is made as Hillary Clinton accepts the DNC presidential nomination