
Donald Trump Says He’s ‘Never Spoken’ to Vladimir Putin

Not only is there a relationship between Trump and Putin, but the Republican nominee is asking for favors on live national television. USA officials have said the emails were hacked from DNC servers in an operation originating in Russian Federation that appeared to be linked to Moscow’s intelligence agency. “They probably have her 33,000 e-mails”.


Democratic Party chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz resigned on Monday after the leaked emails showed party leaders favouring Mrs Clinton over her rival, senator Bernie Sanders, for the presidential nomination. The United States must take serious offensive and defensive actions now.

“The United States isn’t going to pull any punches in terms of our response”, he said.

Specifically on Trump’s comments, Watkins said: “As Chairman of the Intelligence Committee, Sen”. These are the sorts of wild things people who have the temperament and mental balance to be president simply don’t say.

Former 2016 presidential candidate and former Maryland Gov. Martin O’Malley told PJM that the “real outrage” of the Democratic National Committee e-mail scandal is that Russian Federation hacked the DNC to help GOP nominee Donald Trump.

Trump has publicly praised Putin’s leadership but denies that he has any business interests in the country or is connected in any way to the hack.

“By the way, if they hacked, they probably have her 33,000 emails”.

“Russia, if you are listening, I hope you are able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing”, he said, encouraging hackers to track down emails Clinton did not turn over to the State Department when she left as secretary of state.

“I think it’s time for Hillary Clinton to do a news conference because its nearly a year now, and it would be interesting to see how she does”, Trump said.

Trump later doubled down, addressing Russian Federation directly through the media. Honestly, I wish I had that power. “I’d love to have that power”.

Mr Trump’s vice-presidential running mate Mike Pence quickly tried to limit the fallout from the mogul’s comments.

Trump also said it was a misnomer to believe he would be easy on Russian Federation, and that President Obama already made that mistake by pushing the country to become closer with China.

In an apparent bid to distance himself from Donald Trump’s assertion that Russian Federation should hack Hillary Clinton’s private email servers, IN governor Mike Pence has issued a separate statement following Trump’s press conference this morning tried to clarify Trumps remarks.

“Nobody know if it’s Russian Federation”, he said.

“It’s not up to us to judge his virtues, that is up to USA voters, but he is the absolute leader of the presidential race”, Putin said.

Ryan is backing Trump’s candidacy though he has been tepid in his endorsement, calling out the nominee on immigration and other issues.

The Clinton campaign was not amused. “That’ll be next”, Trump said.

Mr Trump, whom Democrats have accused of having cosy ties with Russian president Vladimir Putin, repeatedly declined to condemn the actions of Russia or any other foreign power of trying to intervene in the USA election.


“This just is beyond my own understanding of the responsibilities that candidates have to be loyal to their country and to their country alone, not to reach out to somebody like Putin and Russian Federation, and try to engage them in an effort to try to, in effect, conduct a conspiracy against another party”, he said.

Vladimir Putin  Donald Trump