
Donald Trump Says He’s OK With Losing the Election

At a campaign rally Wednesday, Donald Trump made the claim that Barack Obama was the founder of ISIS, and that Hillary Clinton was the co-founder.


The previously unreported incident at the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, or DCCC, and its potential ties to Russian hackers, are likely to heighten accusations, so far unproven, that Moscow is trying to meddle in the USA election to help Trump.

“I would say they could be tried there”, Trump said, referring to Guantanamo Bay.

But Friday, on Twitter, Trump seemed to suggest he was leading the media along.

Head of recruiting: reality television star and current Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump.

But you could also argue Obama’s decision to leave Iraq after 2011 contributed to the security vacuum that gave ISIS the chance to put down roots and regroup.

Cuomo stressed that Trump has open invitation to appear on CNN and explain.

Thanks to Judicial Watch, we now have an August 2012 defense intelligence report on the civil war in Syria and the situation in Iraq that openly states that the policy of the United States and its allies was to support the Salafist opposition to Syrian president Bashar al-Assad.

Donald Trump is like Minnesota weather – if you don’t like it the way it is, just wait an hour and it’ll change completely. “That’s what I would say”, Hewitt said.

Trump supporter Newt Gingrich on Friday said that the GOP nominee has failed to understand the importance of being precise.

“ISIS is honoring President Obama”, he said. “Probably he wants to bother people by using a different term”. “He has got to learn to use language that has been thought through and that is clear to everybody, and to stick to that language”. Trump is encountering worrying signs as his campaign moves into the November election.

“It was a style that none of his Republican opponents could cope with”, Gingrich said.

“I know what you meant”. “He is the founder of Isis [Islamic State]”.

In fact, when Hewitt proposed a more cautious interpretation of his assertion – that Obama and Clinton “created the vacuum” in the region and thus “lost the peace” to ISIS – Trump rejected that formulation, sticking with the most literal version of “founder” and “co-founder”. He’s the founder of ISIS, OK? He was the most valuable player. “He was the most valuable player”, Trump responded.

He has refused to make his filings public, saying they’re under audit by the Internal Revenue Service and he’ll release them only once that review is complete.

Anyway, under Obama, Islamic State’s gay members (of which there are none) are able to marry and every employee has health care, which is convenient because Obama is constantly shooting missiles at them and has killed thousands.

DONALD TRUMP: And if at the end of 90 days, I fall in short because I’m somewhat politically correct, even though I’m supposed to be the smart one and even though I’m supposed to have a lot of good ideas, it’s OK. “He was the founder”. He believes Obama essentially birthed ISIS by pulling troops out of Iraq. Obama has said destroying ISIS is his “top priority”. “Therefore, he was the founder of ISIS”. “No, I meant he’s the founder of ISIS. He’s the founder. He founded ISIS”.

The comments from 2007 were resurfaced Thursday by Buzzfeed.

Almost one-fifth of registered Republicans now want Trump to drop out of the race for the White House, according to a Reuters/Ipsos poll released on Wednesday.


“No, Barack Obama is not the founder of ISIS”, she wrote. “Anyone willing to sink so low, so often should never be allowed to serve as our Commander-in-Chief”.

Hillary Clinton Donald Trump Misses What Makes Michigan America Great