
Donald Trump says he won’t run as independent

Carson raised the prospect after The Washington Post reported that GOP leaders had discussed the possibility of a brokered convention if Donald Trump fared well in party primaries.


But the list is subjective. He once endorsed it clearly, now says the country can’t afford it, but on the other hand has also expressed a desire to make sure everyone has coverage. He has proposed busting down the barriers that limit insurance competition across state lines.

On illegal immigration, Trump’s plan is far more extensive than expelling 350,000 people, as Black alludes to.

He says the proposed ban on Muslim travellers was poorly phrased, and hysterically misrepresented.

But on the whole, he gives high marks to his fellow Florida-dwelling friend. His split from the Democratic party heralded a historic political shift as the party lost its century-old hold on the south.

“I really am”, he said after being asked about a potential third-party run.

As if firing a warning shot, Trump last week tweeted the results of a poll that showed that two-thirds of his supporters would vote for him should he leave the Republican Party and pursue an independent bid.

Trump said Thursday that he is “totally committed to the Republican Party” and said he feels “very honored to be the front-runner” after he was asked whether he was ready to commit to not running as a third-party candidate.

“You have to be able to look at the big picture and understand that it’s actually merciful if you go ahead and finish the job rather than death by a thousand pricks”, Carson said.


As for another candidate’s mangling of his name during an exchange on the debate stage at the Venetian, Priebus was similarly at ease.
