
Donald Trump Says He Would Bring Back Waterboarding

I don’t know. Rough up? And a database would be fine for them and a watch list is fine.


USA presidential hopeful Donald Trump said Sunday he would bring back the waterboarding interrogation technique, widely considered to be torture, as it is “peanuts” in comparison to the actions of ISIL militant group. He said he “would absolutely bring back interrogation and strong interrogation”.

Jersey City Mayor Steven Fulop says Trump is “plain wrong” and politicizing an emotionally charged issue.

Republican New Jersey Governor Chris Christie defended his argument that the administration can’t be trusted to vet refugees, adding “orphans under the age of five” shouldn’t be admitted to the country because there is no one to care for them.

“I agree that there’s no such thing as political correctness when you’re fighting an enemy who wants to destroy you”, he said during a separate appearance on “This Week”.

The U.S. needs to be tough against terrorists, Republican presidential fruntrunner Donald Trump said today as he favoured restoring waterboarding and other types of interrogation techniques in the face of brutal killings by Islamic State militants. Trump said after he was asked on “Fox & Friends” Sunday morning about the man being “roughed up”. “I think waterboarding is peanuts compared to what they’d do to us”, he said. “We have to surveil the mosques”.

While rumours have circulated on the internet for years that American Muslims celebrated the attacks in Paterson, New Jersey, police officials and religious leaders denied it at the time.

Trump also declined to rule out a potential third-party bid for the White House, asked about it even as he continues to dominate GOP polls.

“I’m going to have to see what happens”. “I have to be treated fairly”.

Trump did back away from comments on closing mosques.

He said it would require the beefing up of USA intelligence capabilities.

According to CNN, around six people participated in the attack, though police later said no arrests had been made.

“I mean, Hillary is a person who doesn’t have the strength or the stamina, in my opinion, to be President”.


He also called for more resources and support for the intelligence and law enforcement communities, especially the NSA bulk metadata collection program.

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