
Donald Trump says Hillary Clinton is ‘against the police’

Trump said he was fighting for “a peaceful regime change in our own country”, and would fight trade deals that send jobs from black communities to countries overseas.


Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump today accused Democratic rival Hillary Clinton of “bigotry”, saying she sees African-Americans as no more than votes to be won.

Aug 17, 2016- US Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump has said initial evidence suggests the shooting of a black man by police in Milwaukee was justified.

Trump called blacks the “main victims” of the riots in Milwaukee. There is no compassion in tolerating lawless conduct for anyone. Republican sources close to the campaign didn’t think Trump would start a big advertising push until September, and Trump himself said 10 days ago it was a “little early” to start spending money on ads. Trump reiterated his proposal for extreme vetting. And with college-educated white voters in Virginia, Clinton beats Trump 53% to 37% – in Virginia in 2012, Romney won 54% of those voters. This spring, amid heightened tensions over his controversial immigration proposals, several physical confrontations and assaults were caught on camera.

Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker and Republican National Committee (RNC) chairman Reince Priebus spoke briefly before Trump at the rally in a show of party unity. Trump said. “If it is true, then people shouldn’t be rioting”.

“Everyone should have respect for the law and be respected by the law”, she added at the rally. One where we need steadiness, where we’ve got to have a real sense of how we’re going to get where we want to go, to help as many people, to keep our country safe. “They have taken advantage”. “What (Trump) often says hurts us”.

Clinton, she said, has released a detailed medical record showing her to be in excellent health plus her personal tax returns since 1977, while Trump has failed to provide the public with the most basic financial information disclosed by every major candidate in the last 40 years.

Protests and fiery riots erupted throughout the city.

Trump talking about economic policies, she said, surprises her.

Trump began his visit with a meeting with local law enforcement officers at the Milwaukee County War Memorial Center on Lake Michigan. He said that Clinton’s policies have contributed to poverty and have put led to the deterioration of inner cities.

But although his speech was at times directly targeted at black voters, he did not propose new specific policies. Instead, he spoke largely of the policies he has already advocated extensively on the campaign trail, including negotiating worldwide trade deals that protect American workers.

Trump mentioned the words “African American” over a dozen times as he argued the Democrat-inclined voting bloc that they were being taken for granted by Hillary Clinton.


Trump also sought to galvanize the African-American community into supporting him by touting his hardline stance on illegal immigration and arguing that Clinton’s policies to give some undocumented immigrants legal status in the US would take away jobs from low-income African-Americans. “Not right, not gonna happen”.

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