
Donald Trump Says Ted Cruz is ‘Unstable,’ Threatens Lawsuit

“But his brother’s coming in and it’s nice”. Trump said the debate audience was stacked with lobbyists and big Republican donors.


“Sen. Cruz will say or do anything to win an election including employing underhanded tactics and making charges against all his opponents that he knows are outright lies”.

Cruz and Rubio renewed their battle over who is the toughest on illegal immigration with Cruz insisting that Rubio, as part of a Gang of Eight senators who sought a compromise on legislation in 2013, was for “amnesty” but now is against it for political purposes.

Trump was retaliating after Cruz escalated his attacks on the billionaire mogul, pointing out his past inconsistencies on social issues and arguing that he could not be trusted to nominate conservatives to the Supreme Court.

Ted Cruz will hold three events Monday, starting with a morning rally in Aiken, an afternoon stop in Camden, and a 6 p.m. rally in Florence. “And as far as I’m concerned, they’re in default of their pledge when they do that”.

Trump criticized President Bush during the debate Saturday.

In an email to USA TODAY earlier this month, Trump spokeswoman Hope Hicks said Our Principles PAC had run “vicious and totally untrue attack ads” against Trump. “You’re going to have to study that”, Trump told the reporters packed into the SC presser.

Cruz stood his ground, charging that Trump would “appoint liberals” to the Supreme Court if elected.

How could Bush campaign for Trump after the charges that George W. Bush didn’t keep the country safe on 9/11 and blundered into the Iraq war? But he remains popular in conservative SC, political analysts and pollsters say, because of his support for the military, his strong personality and his decisiveness.

Republican debate: Party’s presidential candidates Donald Trump and Jeb Bush clashed angrily over the Iraq war, the Bush family and Trump’s business dealings at an acrimonious debate that underscored the importance of South Carolina’s primary in a week.

The CBS poll showed former secretary of state Hillary Clinton with a commanding lead in the state over Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders, a self-described democratic socialist who has aimed his campaign rhetoric at the financial clout of Wall Street titans. “America can’t afford more politicians like Ted Cruz who will easily sacrifice principle for political gain”, spokesman Joe Pounder said in the statement.

“I’m a Bush, proud of it. I love my brother”.

Trump has repeatedly gotten a rise out of his crowds with his salty language even when he hasn’t said the word out loud.

As for Jeb, the stakes in SC are very high. “I think it reminds people of resolve, determination, the man who brought us together after 9/11, the man who rallied the world to go after a vicious enemy”.

SC was a good state for both George W. Bush and his father, former President George H.W. Bush.


Candidates Jeb Bush, left, and Donald Trump, right, spar as Sen. There are no provisions in the pledge prohibiting the RNC from inviting certain people to the debates, however, Trump demanded that he be treated fairly in return for signing, and he suggested that the special interest groups were invited to the debate to make him look bad.

Antonin Scalia