
Donald Trump secures most unbound delegates in Pennsylvania

After Clinton’s response to Trump, the Clinton campaign made a decision to sell actual “woman cards” for $1.


During remarks following last week’s GOP primary elections, Trump said Clinton is playing “the woman card”.

They linked it to Clinton’s official campaign site to use as a fundraising tool – and to troll Trump.

“I’m happy to talk about Hillary Clinton and her track record for women, children and families”, Kulp said. He said his campaign still aims to win the nomination but will also seek to assemble as many delegates as possible to influence the party’s platform and message. He added in an immediate contradiction that “the handsome thing is women don’t like her”.

Clinton’s retort isn’t a new line of argument; for months she’s framed issues important to many female voters as matters of economic security for everyone.

Almost 250 delegates short of bagging the Republican presidential nomination, party front-runner Donald Trump has exuded confidence that he would be able to defeat his Democratic rival Hillary Clinton very easily in the November general elections.

The billionaire businessman also turned his attention to the Democrats’ likely presidential nomination Hillary Clinton during the address. However as per party rules, he got only 17 of the party delegates from the States while the rest 54 were unbound delegates, meaning they can vote for any candidate they want in the Republican party’s convention in July in Cleveland. Stephen Colbert says he has a lot more work to do. Although the pink metro card lookalike does not have any actual retail value, or any sort of reward point system for that matter, Clinton’s Women’s Outreach Director Mini Timmaraju says, “Every dollar will make sure Donald Trump never becomes president”.

Seventy percent of US women view Trump unfavorably, according to a March Gallup survey, including 46% of Republicans and those who lean Republican. “She has got nothing else going. If she were a man, she’d get less than 5 per cent”, Trump told ABC News.


Clinton has in her political career at times benefited from missteps by male candidates. In the 25 states polled, Trump won 36 percent women and 44 percent of men.

Republican presidential candidate Ohio Gov. John Kasich speaks during a town hall at Thomas Farms Community Center in Rockville Md. Texas Sen. Ted Cruz and Kasich are having a tough time attracting establishment Republican