
Donald Trump sees ‘no reason’ to raise $1 billion for campaign

Republican donor Fred Malek noted that many voters are just beginning to pay close attention to Trump and presumptive Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton.


Donald Trump in Westchester County after winning more primaries on Tuesday. Not a great deal, I think. Clinton faces a stubborn opponent in Sanders who’s won 23 states and over 11 million votes for an overtly socialist programme that has made Wall Street a proxy for widespread antipathy to the “billionaire class”.

The former secretary of state, euphorically seized the Democratic Party mantle Tuesday flinging her arms wide and beaming at a victory celebration in NY with primary wins in four of six states including the grand prize, California.

Perhaps most significantly, the episode underscores a fierce resistance inside Trump’s orbit to mellowing the controversial personality that took the GOP by storm this spring. Rand Paul, R-KY and Rep. Thomas Massie, R-Somewhereorother Lewis County, have likewise followed suit, for instance.

He also spoke of issues – trade, economic prosperity and more. “I’m going to see how this plays out and see if Donald Trump can earn the support of Republicans like me”. It has proven to be a consistent narrative with the majority leader.

That applies to all of us, but as a member of Congress, Vela’s bar is even higher.

Democratic U.S. Senate candidate Baron Hill joined State Sen.

And it doesn’t end there. You can take extreme positions in a primary and win a primary, but try translating that into a general election win and you just can’t. But, frankly, it’s an open-and-shut case.

“Whether or not this is a major correction or not, I don’t know”, Graham, a former 2016 rival, said. Republicans now hold a 54-44 edge over Democrats in the upper chamber with two independents who caucus with the Democrats.

That’s it. It matters little to old Mitch that the man he is promoting is a racist.

“As he learns the business of being a presidential candidate … he’ll get better at it like we all do”, he said.

Indeed, the electoral math is daunting for Republicans even without Trump.

And let there be no doubt that Trump is a bigot of the first order.

Speaking about Trump’s comments about Judge Gonzalo Curiel, who’s presiding the alleged Trump University fraud case and the businessman accused him of being impartial due to being “Mexican” – when in fact he was born in IN from Mexican parents – Menendez said Trump’s remarks are an attack on the country’s independent judiciary. According to the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the actual percentage is about 15 percent. Trump’s xenophobic rhetoric is the most widely covered part of his campaign.

O’REILLY: But in your opinion, he did that to the judge, right? “Claiming a person can’t do their job because of their race is sort of like the textbook definition of a racist comment”, Ryan said.

Probably 15%-20% of those votes will come from people like me, who voted for someone else in a GOP primary but will choose Trump over Hillary Clinton.

If not racist, what then? “But make no mistake there’s no place for racism in this country”, Burr said.

McConnell’s office said Wednesday he had nothing to add to his Tuesday evening comments. “You don’t get to do anything you want to”.


To help address the shortfall, Trump and the Republican National Committee created a joint fundraising account that allows wealthy individuals to skirt the individual contribution limit of $2,700 and write much larger checks instead.

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump waves at supporters as he leaves the stage with his wife Melania after a news conference at the Trump National Golf Club Westchester Tuesday