
Donald Trump slams Rosie O’Donnell in first GOP debate; she responds

The real question heading into Thursday’s primetime showdown here was whether the first debate of the Republican presidential candidates would turn into the Donald Trump show.


The pace was quick and interaction between the candidates aggressive, at least much more so than in past debates that occurred early in the primary campaign. Having devoted several days to debate preparation, he came off as scripted in what was his first formal debate in more than a decade.

The crowd became hostile when Mr Trump said he would run as an independent, an admission that enraged Mr Paul. We’re not going to win by doing what Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton do every single day: dividing the country, creating a grievance kind of environment.

“What I say is what I say”, said Trump, who is leading the sprawling Republican field of 17 candidates.

Kasich drew repeated applause, particularly when showcasing his pragmatic approach to divisive social issues. He said Thursday that he had been told that by border patrol agents, and he took credit for immigration being an issue in the campaign.

Candidates at both the main event and on the debate undercard sought to make an impression on voters – and many aimed at Obama, Clinton and Trump.

“Trump is speaking his mind”.

By the way, don’t miss the piece by Bloomberg’s Josh Green on how tonight’s debate will signal Trump’s transformation from celebrity to Republican. Only 10 candidates were invited to participate in the main event, with the remaining seven relegated to a pre-debate forum.

Santorum: Reinforced his staunch conservative bona fides, unrelenting foe of same-sex marriage, abortion. No Republican has ever won the presidency without winning Ohio.

‘For people who want to just tune him out, they’re making a mistake.’.

“What God calls us to do is follow his will”, he said.

Immigration and counterterrorism dominated the early stages of the debate, two issues that highlight the deep divisions within the Republican Party. Rand Paul representing a segment of GOP voters frustrated with military action overseas and what they see as infringements on personal liberties. “He’s already hedging his bets”. He said he wanted to collect more information from terrorists, not law-abiding Americans. “Approximately two-thirds of these individuals had a serious criminal history at the time of their release”, according to Center for Immigration Studies testimony before a U.S. House Judiciary subcommittee on July 23.

But the candidate, whose outlandish comments have made headlines since he announced his presidential run, is only good for laughs, said Nueces County Republican Chairman Michael Bergsma.

“I don’t frankly have time for total political correctness”, Trump said. And he did so with authenticity and while pivoting to his credentials as a budget hawk and his foreign policy resume.

“This election better be about the future, not the past”, Rubio said.

After Trump and Bush, Wisconsin’s Governor Scott Walker and former Arkansas governor turned television host Mike Huckabee are among the few to have drawn much national attention previously.

“It was really informative for me to find out who’s out there campaigning for what”, said Lorinda Swearingen, adding she could not say that any one candidate had come out on top.

But Carly Fiorina, a former business executive and the only woman in the Republican field, acknowledged Trump had tapped into a broad sense of frustration with Washington.

“You call women you don’t like fat pigs, dogs, slobs and disgusting animals”, she said.

Thursday’s debate was the first of six party-sanctioned forums scheduled before primary voting begins in February.

The 10 candidates in Cleveland, selected by Fox News on the basis of recent national polls, provided a frank and bruising exchange of views.


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Under fire Donald Trump was pulled up for his views on women