
Donald Trump Spars With Former Top Aide Over Exit

Republican Presidential hopeful Donald Trump revealed that he was firing his top adviser, Roger Stone.


Stone’s team shared a copy of the email to Politico that he sent Trump in which he expressed gratitude concerning their longtime relationship.

Trump’s campaign said Stone, who has worked for Broward Cunty attorney-turned-convicted-fraudster Scott Rothstein and Sheriff Scott Israel, was exploiting Trump’s candidacy for his own publicity purposes.

Trump went on to criticize the United states government, saying the Mexican government was smarter than our politicians and legislators.

The real estate tycoon told Washington Post reporter Robert Costa Saturday afternoon that he kicked Stone from his inner circle.

Trump’s reaction to Stone’s letter: “I fired him Friday night”.

“The point is that the presidency is decided on bigger-picture issues”, Stone added.

As a friend I care about you (Trump) and wish you all the best, wrote Stone, and I ensure you I will continue being active and vocal in the national debate attempting to ensure that the country does not fail again and turn to the distrusted families of the Bushes and Clintons.

The split between Trump and Stone follows extensive infighting on Trump’s campaign that spilled out from behind the scenes after a July 31 story from Business Insider that revealed a long history of racially charged Facebook posts that were made by former adviser Sam Nunberg.

Fox News Chairman Roger Ailes has assured Donald Trump that he’ll be “treated fairly” by the station, Trump tweeted Monday. “Blood coming out of her wherever”, Trump told the network’s Don Lemon on his show Friday night. “Only a deviant would think anything else”.

In the statement released to CNN, Trump’s spokesperson explained, “Mr. Trump fired Roger Stone last night”. Trump’s “sexist” comment unleashed a new storm of criticism.

Needless to say, The Donald is taking a lot of heat from Republicans over this.

“Calling into CNN and making outrageous comments about Megyn Kelly and making it even more of a circus than it already is, Roger just felt like he couldn’t stand by him”, Mackowiak said. He insisted later that the comment was a reference to Kelly’s nose, rather than menstruation, but found himself dropped from a gathering of conservatives in Atlanta this weekend, and facing condemnation from rivals. In May 2013, she questioned him after he said that the increase in female breadwinners in the U.S. goes against biology.


That led RedState’s Erickson to announce on Twitter: “I have rescinded my invitation to Mr Trump”.

Republican candidate billionaire Donald Trump