
Donald Trump speaks at VFW Convention in Charlotte

There is an opportunity to do so. “We don’t need someone who goes home and takes naps”.


It’s worth noting that in the lead-up to the British referendum about the European Union (another incredibly divisive political issue), online polls consistently got closer to predicting the eventual result than telephone ones did. And Trump leads Clinton by five points, 44 percent to 39 percent, in a four-way contest with third-party candidates Gary Johnson (Libertarian) and Jill Stein (Green Party).

Despite Democratic criticism of the Republican convention’s message as divisive, the percentage who say Trump will unite the country rather than divide it has increased to 42 per cent, compared with 34 per cent pre-convention.

Independent women are stubbornly divided between Clinton, Trump, and undecided.

“You will never hear me say, ‘I only listen to myself on national security, ‘” she told veterans gathered for the annual convention of the Veterans of Foreign Wars. Its margin of error is 4.4 percentage points.

McDonald says the backlog of claims is down nearly 90-percent and the average wait time for a completed claim is down 65-percent. Active-duty service members favor Trump, according to a recent Military Times poll.

Burr was among the first speakers, firing the crowd up by saying: “Welcome to a red state that, like a lot of other red states, is going to elect Donald Trump!”. “It gets a little heat, and they fire her”, Trump said. Now, he has 46 percent.

“I remember one time at the VA myself, I said you know you could die right here waiting to see somebody”, Houlshouer said. He carried 74 percent of the white vote.

Trump also touched on other common campaign themes, including eliminating the “rigged system” of Washington politics and special interests, cutting taxes, negotiating more favorable trade deals, reforming the immigration system and blocking refugees from war-torn Syria “and other unsafe countries” from entering the U.S. Men in the same age group are in the opposite direction.

Sanders supporters booed Monday when he asked them in a private meeting to back Clinton.

Trump’s boost comes as he asserts a commanding lead among white voters without a college degree, climbing to 62 percent – up 11 points from last week.


The latest round of polls follows a survey released by Quinnipiac University earlier this month showing Trump up by three points in Florida and two points in Pennsylvania, two states that President Obama carried in 2008 and 2012.

Trump Leads Clinton In National Polls Ahead Of Democratic Convention