
Donald Trump Spokesperson Katrina Pierson Blames Obama for Capt. Humayun Khan’s Death

The speaker said it is his duty to speak up against Trump on issues like the Khan family or his criticism of an American-born judge of Mexican descent whom Trump had also attacked.


The feud between the GOP’s presidential nominee and House Speaker Paul Ryan continued to overshadow fresh attacks on Clinton, underscoring the rising concerns from party leaders over the NY billionaire’s unorthodox candidacy and its impact on the future of the Republican Party. Trump later lashed out at the media’s coverage of the controversy.

“The candidate is in control of his campaign”, campaign chairman Paul Manafort told the Fox News Network Wednesday afternoon. Their son, a Muslim-American Army Captain, was killed by a 2004 suicide bomb in Iraq.

More than any other major figure in the Republican establishment, Priebus worked to bring Trump into the party’s fold despite the NY businessman’s status as an outsider.

Trump on Wednesday dismissed suggestions that the GOP frustration was hurting his campaign, even as he openly contemplated an Election Day loss.

“There has to come a point at which you say ‘enough, ‘” he said.

“Wouldn’t that be embarrassing to lose to crooked Hillary Clinton?”.

After a third reporter asked a question about whether Trump was trustworthy in regards to America’s nuclear weapons, Obama appeared annoyed.

The Indiana governor told Fox News it takes time to build relationships in politics and that was exactly what Trump and Ryan were doing. He strongly encouraged me to endorse Paul Ryan in next Tuesday’s primary.

“I’m suggesting we have a discussion about it. That’s for sure”, Paul Nehlen said on 560 AM’s “Morning Answer” in Chicago, when asked whether he would support deporting every Muslim from the country. He also had a meeting with McCain and publicly endorsed Ryan.

As for Ayotte, who is running for a second Senate term and skipped the Republican National Convention, Trump said: “You have a Kelly Ayotte who doesn’t want to talk about Trump, but I’m beating her in the polls by a lot”.

Privately, however, Trump has concerns about his own team. Trump, who had never previously run for public office, beat 16 rivals to become the Republican presidential nominee for the November 8 election.

“He’s incapable of changing”.


Pence added, “I’m looking forward to standing shoulder to shoulder with Donald Trump to drive that new leadership forward”. But a review of filings showed that his political giving has largely benefited Republicans over the years, including donations this election cycle to political action committees that supported primary candidates Jeb Bush, Chris Christie and Marco Rubio. The margin of error for the full sample is plus or minus 2.3 percentage points and the margin of error among registered voters is plus or minus 2.5 percentage points.

Best friends go separate ways on Trump