
Donald Trump suggests God is calling him to be president

Donald Trump kicked off his “Pastors in the Pews” meeting with evangelical Christians in Orlando on Thursday with a joke. Normally, whenever anyone dares mention the polling, both state and national, that doesn’t exactly paint a rosy picture, the reaction from Trump nation is that they’re rooting for HIllary, we’re elitists, nobody cares what we think, the poll is bogus, and usually something else that’s not polite to say in print. “The concern is that, just two short months after the massacre of 49 individuals belonging to the Latino and LGBTQ community, two individuals as prominent as Marco Rubio and Donald Trump choose to address a conference of people who would demean us and demonise us and further hate culture toward the LGBTQ community”, she said. “Is anybody here from Utah?”


I’ve seen a deleted August 10 Donald Trump tweet floating around the internet calling Utah odd.

Watch video of the quip below. But Utah has been a particular challenge for Trump.

He said that evangelicals did not turn out in strong enough numbers in 2012 to help Romney win the White House.

As Donald Trump sees it, Hillary Clinton “wants to tax and regulate our economy to death”.


Most members of the religion are Republican, but they also value civility and religious freedom and have bristled at Trump’s remarks on the campaign trail. Clinton published an op-ed in the Utah-based Deseret News earlier this week in which she directly appealed to the Mormon vote, championing her dedication to “religious liberty” and making several references to Mormon history.

Trump to face grilling as he stumps among evangelicals