
Donald Trump suggests US accept Russia’s annexation of Crimea

Trump’s answer on Crimea is the latest in a series of comments that have fueled speculation about the relationship between Russian Federation and his campaign, particularly its chairman, Paul Manafort.


Noting the alleged move by Russian intelligence services appears to have been a “deliberate effort” to influence the upcoming USA presidential election, Clinton added the release of internal Democratic Party material – and the subsequent reaction of political rival Donald Trump – raises “national security” concerns. Over the weekend, for instance, Trump told ABC’s George Stephanopoulos that he would look into recognizing Russia’s annexation of Crimea and that the people of Crimea would rather be part of Russian Federation (which also happens to be the official line of the Kremlin).

In an interview broadcast Sunday on ABC’s “This Week”, Trump said he would look into how Crimea broke away from Ukraine after a 2013 armed coup and voted in a referendum to rejoin Russian Federation.

“As Muslims, we have a hope that Trump can guide America toward the right direction”. He added “You can mark it down”. You can put it down.

In the same speech, Trump referenced how Putin recently “start (ed) with Ukraine” – apparently referencing Russia’s invasion of Crimea. But Trump, I’m hearing, won’t be doing that in this case. “But I’m not there”.

Instead, Mook said hackers gained access to a “program” the Clinton campaign shares with the DNC and other government entities – but he did not elaborate on the scope of the breach.

“What is he talking about? This is scary stuff”, Sullivan said in a statement.

Besides renewing the ongoing questions about campaign adviser Paul Manafort’s interests in the Ukraine, the statements raised even more concern about how much of a grasp Trump really has on key public policy issues -about which he speaks frequently – and how much he cares to learn. It was no worse than the second-most-damaging thing Trump said onSunday. “He views Russian Federation as a foreign power head that has its own interests at stake, and we, the United States, have to put America’s interest first”. Last week, Trump asked Russian Federation to release Hillary Clinton’s emails, a comment he later claimed was sarcastic.

“But you know, the people of Crimea, from what I’ve heard, would rather be with Russian Federation than where they were”, Trump said. I don’t think I’ve ever met him.

“The sitting president has to treat both candidates perfectly equally”, Hayden said. Trump’s denial of a relationship with Putin contradicted what he had said on multiple previous occasions. Leaked emails published by WikiLeaks revealed the distrust of some key Democratic leaders of Bernie Sanders, Clinton’s former rival for the Democratic nod. The op-ed-under the byline of Lucia Ziobro, an assistant special agent at the FBI’s Boston office-said that “The FBI believes the true motives of the Russian partners, who are often funded by their government, is to gain access to classified, sensitive, and emerging technology from the companies”.

It is far from certain that Mr. Manafort’s views have directly shaped Mr. Trump’s, since Mr. Trump spoke favorably of Mr. Putin’s leadership before Mr. Manafort joined the campaign. “I think if you take his encouragement that the Russians hack into American e-mail accounts, if you take his quite excessive praise for Putin, his absolute allegiance to a lot of Russian wish-list foreign policy position, his effort then to try to distance himself from that backlash which rightly came not just from Democrats, but Republicans, independents and national security and intelligence experts leads us once again to include he is not temperamentally fit to be president and commander in chief”, Clinton said. They say Russian Federation continues to train rebels and direct low-level attacks against Ukrainian forces on the front line. “You have Obama there”, Trump said.


“I’m going to take a look at it”.

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin in the uniform of a Russian Navy officer