
Donald Trump Takes Carson Down

Trump said: “George, it did happen”.


STEPHANOPOULOS: Police say it didn’t happen. And I watched in Jersey City, New Jersey, where thousands and thousands of people were cheering as that building was coming down.

On Twitter, he notes a passage in a 2001 Washington Post article that makes reference to “tailgate-style parties” and people being detained because they were cheering.

PolitiFact wrote, in a “Pants on Fire” ruling, that there is no evidence the investigations revealed any celebrations. News accounts from that time also reveal no reports of cheering in Jersey City.

“Sufficient days remain for Republicans to reshuffle the deck, to relegate Trump’s rampaging to the nation’s mental attic, and to recognize in Christie a serious political talent”, Will wrote.

This is also an area where Carson looks vulnerable.

“Either @realDonaldTrump has memory issues or willfully distorts the truth, either of which should be concerning for the Republican Party”, Democratic Jersey City Mayor Steven Fulop tweeted Sunday.

Of the 2016 presidential candidates, Donald Trump would be the most controversial Thanksgiving dinner guest to host, according to a new poll.

The retired neurosurgeon addressed the need for increased surveillance of people in the United States during an appearance about an hour west of Las Vegas.

Republican New Jersey Governor Chris Christie defended his argument that the administration can’t be trusted to vet refugees, adding “orphans under the age of five” shouldn’t be admitted to the country because there is no one to care for them.

The survey was produced for ABC News by Langer Research Associates of NY, N.Y., with sampling, data collection and tabulation by Abt-SRBI of NY, N.Y. See details on the survey’s methodology here.

With polling showing Americans more willing to forgo a few civil liberties in the name of safety, Carson told supporters, “I would say we use our intelligence and we monitor anything, a mosque, a church, a museum, a supermarket, anyplace where radicalization is going on”. Asked if he’d seen the footage Trump first referenced over the weekend, Carson responded that he had. Trump replied: “I would certainly implement that”. “I think that would be a stretch”.

“I saw the film of it, yes”, he said.

A month ago, strategists and activists in early-voting states including SC told Politico a Trump nomination was looking more likely. Law enforcement has since said these were unproven claims.


Donald Trump said Sunday he’d monitor select mosques, bring back waterboarding and keep refugees on a watch list.

Protesters rally outside the Islamic Community Center in Phoenix Arizona