
Donald Trump: Ted Cruz Is A ‘Nasty Guy’ And ‘Nobody Likes Him’

“But Trump is looking at Cruz, and I’m sure is hearing about the negatives that Cruz has”.


The Cruz campaign later revealed that there was a second loan that it had not disclosed and – no surprise – Trump could hardly wait to Tweet about that, too.

“Believe me, if I could say liberal Jews, I would”.

And if evangelical leaders don’t necessarily want him to represent Republicans come the November general election, many “are afraid to attack Donald Trump because he’s popular with the base”, Bean added.

“I don’t know how they can convince themselves that they’ll be able to go into SC and get something going, having come in a distant third, fourth, fifth place in Iowa and New Hampshire”, said Mike Dennehy, a New Hampshire Republican operative.

An early January NBC News/SurveyMonkey poll gave Trump 35 percent support among evangelicals, just behind Cruz but well ahead of retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson, a Seventh Day Adventist.

The New York Times – so excoriated by Cruz during the debate – reported, “Cruz did not just dominate much of the Republican debate, he slashed, he mocked, he charmed and he outmaneuvered everybody else onstage – but none as devastatingly and as thoroughly as this campaign’s most commanding performer, Donald J. Trump”.

“I would note that Donald’s record does not match what he says as a candidate”, Cruz said, gamely tackling questions he routinely swatted away for seven months.

One candidate that didn’t have the greatest night at the debate was Cruz, who made derogatory comments about New Yorkers and “New York values”. Mike Gonzalez, who runs an influential network of pastors across the state and is helping Cruz, says he’s eyeing a scenario in which Trump fails to blow away the field in the first two states and evangelicals in SC make the state a death knell, even if not his Waterloo. “He’ll take New York’s money”.

During his Senate campaign, Cruz repeatedly left the impression with voters and the media that he was self-financing his anti-establishment race. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, Friday, Jan. 15, 2016, in Columbia, S.C. The South Carolina Republican primary… “You cant be tea party and at the same time support the ethanol mandate because it’s good politics in Iowa and support the sugar subsidies because it’s good politics in Florida”. He also FORGOT to file his Goldman Sachs Million $ loan papers. “I guess he has an insight into NY values that others don’t have”. “In the rest of the country, people understand exactly what that is”, Cruz said.

“He’s doubled-down on this issue of New York City values”, Stephanopoulos explained.


One of Donald Trump’s main rivals has attacked him… for not wanting to ban gay people from the military.
