
Donald Trump, the Republican Rolling Thunder, seals military support on Memorial Day

When host Chris Wallace asked about Trump’s unpopularity among women and Latinos, Lewandowski said, “Donald Trump is winning with Latinos, if you look at the last poll, he’s winning with Hispanics, if you look at the polls, he’s doing very well with women”. John McCain, R-Ariz., during the Vietnam War and faced questions about his giving to veterans’ causes, but those issues did little to dampen the enthuisasm for his message at the Lincoln Memorial.


He is expected to hold a news conference on Tuesday to announce the name of the charities selected to receive the money.

Trump said last week that Martinez, who is also a Republican and the nation’s only Latina governor, is responsible for the state’s high unemployment and dependence on food stamps.

Supporters of Donald Trump shout at anti-Trump demonstrators outside a campaign event for Republican US presidential candidate Donald Trump in San Diego, California US, 27 May, 2016. “But when he said, ‘I don’t like people who were captured, ‘ then there’s a great body… of American heroes that I would like to see him retract that statement, not about me, but about the others”.

House Speaker Paul Ryan has yet to endorse Trump, though he will be at the convention – he’ll be serving as the chairman during the nominating process. John McCain of Arizona, who had been a POW in North Vietnam from 1967 to 1973. “And I just wanted to give honour to those who have fallen and sacrificed their lives for our country”.

“If Trump is on stage, he was welcome”, Carbone said.

US billionaire Donald Trump’s frankness about supporting different policies on whites and blacks ruined decades of work of party leaders to hide the “white rage”: the deep-seated determination to block black progress in the United States. “We’re living in historic times in our country today with the election and the choosing of a new president”.

‘I want to be helpful, ‘ Rubio said recently on CNN.

At the Christian Motorcyclists Association’s outreach table, where volunteers were dispensing cups of water and thoughts about the gospel and Jesus, one of the volunteers said he doubted he’d walk the short distance down the sidewalk to hear Trump speak. He said Trump’s comments about McCain troubled him and he is watching how Trump conducts himself as the campaign moves forward.

During every Rolling Thunder run in Washington D.C. for four hours a lone Marine stands in the road and salutes as the veterans and bikers pass by. “He has a right to his opinion, but he didn’t play the game, so he really doesn’t have a right to speak”. Both plan to vote for Trump in November. “They have given you nothing”, Trump said. “We’ve been through it all. We want to have it back again”.


Information for this article was contributed by Bill Barrow, Sergio Bustos, Jonathan Lemire, Jill Colvin of The Associated Press; by Justin Jouvenal and Jose A. DelReal of The Washington Post; by Thomas Kaplan of The New York Times; and by David Savage and Cathleen Decker of the Los Angeles Times.

Donald Trump