
Donald Trump to Anderson Cooper: ‘People Don’t Trust You’

Based on the US Census Bureau’s 2009-2013 American Community Survey 5-year estimates, the city’s residents overwhelmingly identify as Hispanic or Latino, with Mexican origins. Trump made headlines, and garnered controversy, while first announcing his presidential campaign when he suggested Mexican immigrants were drug dealers and rapists. Perry and a few others also realize that speaking the truth about Trump will help them stand out in a crowded field of 16 major candidates. “It does not matter what we say about education, jobs or the economy; if Hispanics think we do not want them here, they will close their ears to our policies”. “I was their fair-haired boy”, Trump told The Hill in an interview published Thursday. Local 2455 will continue to represent our members to the best of our abilities and will make sure that our members concerns are heard by the American people. “But, we’re going to do it”.


Trump mocked McCain’s experience in the Vietnam War where he was tortured as a prisoner, called him “dumb” and laced into his record on veterans issues in the Senate.

Durbin, D-Ill, got $1,000 from Trump, a Republican candidate for President, before Durbin’s 2008 re-election. John McCain, who earned Trump’s ire by saying his remarks about immigrants had brought out “crazies”.

Donald Trump will tour the U.S.-Mexico border today.

Graham’s personal cellphone number became public knowledge on Tuesday after Trump shared it during a speech in South Carolina, telling supporters that their senator was an “idiot” and a “stiff”. He then went on to explain, “I’m very different than you would think”.

Visiting the Texas town of Laredo for a “boots on the ground” trip, the Republican hopeful said the United States faces “a tremendous danger on the border with the illegals coming in”.

About the last minute cancellation, Trump said the border union was “silenced” by Washington.

Florida Sen. Marco Rubio likened Trump to Barack Obama, whom he called a president with “no class” and one who demeaned the office with his appearance this week on Comedy Central’s “The Daily Show”.

As Trump flew to Laredo, former Gov. Rick Perry opened a new front in his war of words with the real estate mogul, pouncing on reports that people working on some of Trump’s properties are in the country illegally. “The border is about more than just more border security, it’s about commerce, about a dynamic place”, he said, saying candidates should visit to see that.


The magnate’s Texas stop is reflective of Trump’s feeling that attracting Latino votes could make the difference at the polls next November.

Trump's border trip comes as GOP tries to woo Hispanics