
Donald Trump to Anderson Cooper: ‘The people don’t trust you’

“You started off the interview with a poll that I didn’t even know existed”, he said, as Cooper tried to jump back into the discussion. (This particular poll shows that participants, by an overwhelming 2-1 vote, viewed the mogul negatively.) “I don’t know, you keep bringing up negative”, Trump continued on Wednesday. “Frankly, I think it is a very unfair question”, Trump said.


“Sure, sure, sure”, Trump noted at one point sarcastically, prompting Cooper to retort: “You are way out of line”.

Trump used the opportunity to his advantage, and began to list the polls where he is leading.

In an interview with Anderson Cooper on CNN, Donald Trump dishes a little sass.

“But what’s interesting is, I think he’s in many ways impervious to facts”, Cooper replied. “And I understand why”. And you know numbers are numbers and my numbers happen to be great.

Trump is now leading the GOP field in all the recent national polls except the one conducted by Monmouth University, which puts former Florida Governor Jeb Bush at the top. “You started off the interview with that”. And I really want to not like it, but I begrudgingly do.

The 69-year-old candidate cited multiple polls in which he’s leading the charge but claimed Cooper was only trying to make him look bad.

‘You know, I have always been covered, fairly, accurately because it was usually a financial press. So, I was always sort of treated fair.


Trump, who starred in his own reality show and has been headline fodder for decades, then expressed a newfound exasperation over how the media work. “But I find that 60%, 70% of the political media is really, really dishonest”. “Right. And I go ‘boom!’ and I do it with great bravado and the audience goes insane”.

It was the art of the interview