
Donald Trump to give biggest speech of his life

“This is the legacy of Hillary Clinton: death, destruction and weakness”.


Update: Politco reports that RNC speakers” drafts were leaked to a Hillary Clinton-friendly group: “The super PAC, Correct the Record, obtained a document containing the drafts from “a Republican source who had access to it and they sent it to us, ‘ said Correct the Record founder David Brock, a close Clinton ally”.

Donald Trump Jr. shared stories of growing up with his dad on job sites and in the office; Tiffany Trump offered anecdotes about the personal notes he wrote on her report cards and Eric Trump shared his pride in being a Trump.

A CNN snap poll of viewers of the speech said 57% had a “very positive reaction” to the address and 18% a somewhat positive reaction, while 24% said it had a negative effect. Trump’s speech on Thursday didn’t contain new ideas for him.

Speaking 12 hours after his historic acceptance speech, and with running mate and Indiana Gov. Mike Pence at his side, Trump praised his children, and predicted a major bounce coming out of the four-day convention.

He has been speaking in Cleveland in OH, as he accepted the Republican presidential nomination.

He took positions in conflict with traditional Republican policies.

He said he would avoid multinational trade deals but instead pursue agreements with individual countries.

Ivanka then went on to talk about the gender wage gap and motherhood. “As long as we are led by politicians who will not put America first, then we can be assured that other nations will not treat America with respect – the respect that we deserve”.

Other senior Republicans like former Presidents George HW Bush and George W Bush have stayed away from the convention in protest at the coronation of a nominee they so vehemently oppose.

“Whether you’re the governor of OH, whether you’re a senator from Texas, or any of the other people that I beat so easily and so badly, you have no choice”, Trump said.

“Nobody knows the system better than me, which is why I alone can fix it”, Trump told delegates.

Mr Trump said policies pursued by Mrs Clinton in Iraq, Libya, Egypt and Syria had made a bad situation worse. He blamed her for the rise of so-called Islamic State militants and blasted her willingness to accept thousands of Syrian refugees. Trump accepted the nomination for president and now the race to the White House begins.

Donald Trump painted a dark vision of an America careering towards ruin at his convention address, going off script to attack immigrants in a delivery that critics said was defined by the rhetoric of fear.

Mrs Clinton fired off a icy rebuke, telling Mr Trump: “We are better than this”.

But her speech was hardly the only moment to tarnish an event otherwise dedicated to to touting the party’s candidate. If Mrs. Clinton wins in November, Mr. Cruz will have a hard time rebuilding his base and ever attracting Trump supporters, who would rightly feel rejected and betrayed.


That was perhaps in reaction to the speech given on Monday night by his wife Melania, who was accused of plagiarism when she repeated lines from a 2008 speech by Michelle Obama.

Hillary Clinton Utters Words She 'Never Thought' She Would Say About Ted Cruz