
Donald Trump to make stop in nation’s most Hispanic state

“Donald Trump showed a tremendous understanding and concern for the undocumented immigrants”, said Mario Bramnick, a representative for the National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference, according to the report.


But on Friday night, the camps for Trump and likely Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton presented videos for the National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference, and Trump’s film may have changed some minds.

Trump is the lone remaining Republican candidate, after 16 other candidates dropped out.

The public event, which is scheduled for 7 p.m. on May 24 at the Albuquerque Convention Center, would mark Trump’s first campaign appearance in New Mexico.

Trump did not mention the wall he has repeatedly said he would build on the USA and Mexico border, but he did address immigration.

New Mexico’s primaries take place on June 7, though New Mexico may be a tough sell for Trump, even when he has all-but locked up the Republican nomination.

She has said she wasn’t ready to support Trump and wants to hear about his plans to protect the state’s military bases.

A few big names were chosen as delegates, including Gov. Susana Martinez and Rep. Steve Pearce.

Richard Berry, Albuquerque’s Republican mayor who was twice elected with sizable Hispanic support, has not been contacted about attending the Trump rally, according to spokeswoman Rhiannon Samuel.

New Mexico has the highest percentage of Hispanic and Latino residents. Trump’s candidacy has brought the worst out in our country, and as Democrats we denounce his harmful attitudes toward our Hispanic communities, his offensive comments about women, and his outlandish policy ideas. He also has said he would support requiring Muslims to register in a database.


Other activists said they planned on attending the rally inside the convention center but would not say if they would interrupt the gathering as seen at other Trump rallies.

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump speaks during a rally in Spokane Wash. Trump kept himself planted firmly in the political spotlight this week with one headline-grabbing move after another launching