
Donald Trump to show up, but not speak out at Detroit church

‘He will then give an address to outline policies that will impact minorities and the disenfranchised in our country. “African-Americans will vote for Trump because they know I will stop the slaughter going on!”


But the firebrand GOP candidate has struggled with winning over minority voters.

Marc Morial, the president of the National Urban League, said that black Americans faced challenges, but that Trump’s depiction of a hopeless, violent black America did not match reality. Trump will answer questions “relevant to the African community”, Burns said, citing issues such as education, unemployment and making our streets safe. Trump asked African Americans as he stood before an overwhelmingly white audience in MI recently. The stats he quoted regarding black people was inaccurate, and to ask us “What in the hell do you have to lose?”. In a speech last Thursday she accused him of stoking racial resentment, and in response Trump labeled her a bigot. Please pray for us as we endeavor to do our best to make heard the voice for the people. A Monmouth poll this month found that Trump only picked up 10% of non-white voters. “That includes going where the voters are and not just checking the box; taking the case directly to them”.

Jackson, who told the Detroit Free Press that he has always voted for Democrats, said he feels the same way.

But if Obama attempted anything resembling Donald Trump’s recent forays into “winning” over the black vote, nearly no one would accuse him of actually doing any real white outreach. We went in there, we went right into communities, we talked to people, we met with folks and we put forth real policy to speak to the communities we wanted to reach. “He’s trying to build walls and we’re trying to build bridges”.

And his interview with Jackson on the church’s Impact Network – which will not be open to the public or the media – won’t air for at least a week after the event on Saturday.

Trump won’t be speaking to the parishioners at Great Faith Ministries during the 11 a.m. service.

However, Trump’s attempt to win African-American votes slipped up on Twitter where he was heavily criticised for appearing to insensitively use the shooting death of a prominent basketball player’s cousin for his political purposes.

“The bottom line is what will his administration do to make sure we don’t have a divided country?”

“It is important that Mr. Trump is taking his message to these communities of color”, Conway said. This makes sense because the campaign has purposely picked a black neighborhood of a mostly black city to deliver this “white outreach”. It is their jobs, their homes, their schools and communities which will suffer as a result.

“What do you have to lose by trying something new, like Trump?” he asked a crowd in Virginia on Saturday.

At a meeting last week in Trump Tower in New York, Trump criticized financial regulations for having a negative impact on the African American community.

In the Democrat primaries, Hillary won an overwhelming percentage of African American support throughout the South, which propelled her toward the nomination.

Jackson said he wasn’t disappointed that Trump won’t be speaking directly to the voters in his congregation.


Trump’s tone and strategy in courting the black vote is distinctly different from those pursued by previous Republican presidential nominees, whose more formal outreach efforts had limited success.

Paul Gordon  ZUMA