
Donald Trump to stop in Denver Friday, source confirms

The Massachusetts senator gives ambivalent voters permission to embrace a presidential candidate whose strengths often get lost in her imperfections, personal and political.


Earlier this month, Gallup released a poll indicating that Trump and Clinton were now among the worst-rated presidential candidates of the last 70 years. The turmoil at the DNC convention has been a constant theme of Trump’s speeches as he and his running mate travel the country, campaigning and fundraising. Ted Cruz and charges of plagiarism by Trump’s wife, Melania – the out in the open anger within the Democratic Party between Sanders and Clinton supporters has given Trump reason to cheer. Add third-party candidates to the mix, however, and Trump is ahead by three. But Clinton faces three other big challenges at her convention in Philadelphia this week, and they won’t be as easy as painting Trump as a risky blowhard.

Veteran John Houlshouer says he was in Vietnam less than a month before being injured. “And, given what we know about Russia’s recent actions, Putin is eager to see Trump win”, Albright said.

The major news media spent last week attacking Trump’s claims of competence by painting the Republican convention as a mess. He set a darker tone than Clinton, who said Monday that she doesn’t “understand people who trash-talk America”, and that she won’t be the candidate of “fear and smear” tactics.

According to Gallup’s daily tracking poll, Hillary Clinton is more unpopular now than at any other time in her 24-year “political career”. Additionally, the average American who probably isn’t following The Hill or CNN Politics on Twitter isn’t keeping up with the primary races too closely, and (with this year’s exception, as Trump refuses to close his mouth) things don’t heat up or get that interesting until campaigning for the general begins.

But, as the response from Warren’s ardent base shows, endorsing Clinton wasn’t an easy call.

He continued, “Because in a very true way they really established ISIS because of weakness”. ISIS grew out of the insurgency in Iraq, which sprung up following the 2003 American invasion of that country under the Bush administration.

MSNBC didn’t have such a drastic gap in coverage, but they still slanted towards the former first lady by a margin of almost three to one.

“ISIS – it’s a word you didn’t hear last night”, Trump said.

The GOP nominee went on to explain that he would tell his staff to flag unaddressed “valid complaints” and that he will “pick up the phone personally and get it completed”. He said the email server put American security at risk.

She sought to depict Trump as both a risky demagogue spreading racial hatred and an empty suit hawking goofy hats. She pledged to reform the VA without privatizing it, but Trump questioned her effectiveness.


VA launched a massive restructuring in 2015 following the appointment of McDonald, who was hired in the wake of a scandal over appointment wait times that led to the resignation of then-VA Secretary Eric Shinseki.

Trump Pulls Ahead in Polls