
Donald Trump To Unveil Plan For Combating ISIS

“I give her, too, by the way, Hillary Clinton”.


She’s hoping to capitalize on Donald Trump’s promises to deport them.

Clinton, stumping Monday in Scranton, Pennsylvania, with Vice President Joe Biden, slammed Trump’s policy proposals in confronting ISIS as erratic and inconsistent. It’s already at risk after a deadlocked Supreme Court decision in June.

Trump, who has recently taken to calling into question Clinton’s mental fitness to serve as president, argued that Clinton “lacks the judgment … stability and temperament and moral character to lead our nation”.

Trump has been roundly attacked by critics on the left and within his own party in recent days for comments like that, with opponents saying they show a lack of understanding of worldwide diplomacy and national security strategy.

“Despite Trump’s claims to carry NY, the Empire State seems firmly planted on the blue side of the map, as Clinton holds a commanding 30-point lead in a head-to-head matchup and a similarly strong 25-point, two-to-one lead in a four-way matchup”, said Siena College pollster Steven Greenberg in a statement.

The Lebanon-based militant organization, which is Shiite and allied with the government of Iran, is a staunch opponent of ISIS, which is SunniHezbollah paramilitary units have deployed to Syria, fighting in support of strongman Bashar al-Assad’s government there, with their principal opposition being ISIS militants. Nasrallah said. Beyond quoting Mr. Trump, he offered no proof to back up his claim.

During a campaign rally on August 10, Trump said Obama was the founder of ISIS and Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton was a co-founder.

Beyond his immigration ban, Trump has also been criticized for suggesting that President Barack Obama is linked to radical Islamic terrorism, floating surveillance of United States mosques and proclaiming that he believes “Islam hates us”. “I call it extreme, extreme vetting”, Trump said.

“Donald Trump made his way through a very competitive primary because he spoke not like your typical politician, but just plainly like and everyday American”. He said he understands that “people in the establishment” may have “anxiety about the clear-eyed leadership” Trump will bring.

Trump promised to “crush and destroy” Daesh, saying he “will work closely with North Atlantic Treaty Organisation on this mission”.

Trump told a crowd gathered for a Saturday evening rally in a sweltering Fairfield gym that he was making “a big play” for CT.


But in the heavily Democratic state, Trump faced an uphill battle even before his national poll numbers started to fall in recent weeks.

Trump brushes off as sarcasm his comments about Obama and Islamic State