
Donald Trump tops Hillary Clinton in new poll

“On issue after issue, there should be no doubt on anybody’s mind as to whether Hillary Clinton is the superior candidate – because in every respect, she is”, Sanders told Democratic supporters gathered at the annual Labor Day breakfast for the New Hampshire AFL-CIO in Manchester.


No Republican has won the White House without carrying the state – so far Trump trails Clinton there by 4 points, according to a Real Clear Politics average of three August national polls.

With 62 days to go until the election, the CNN/ORC survey is out with their first poll of likely voters and Donald Trump leads Hillary Clinton inside the margin of error by two points.

With the first event from the Commission on Presidential Debates only a few weeks away, no third party candidate is now tracking at the 15% minimum support required for stage accessibility for that Long Island, NY event. Whites mostly support Trump (55% to 34%), while non-whites favor Clinton by a almost 4-to-1 margin (71% to 18%).

54 percent of men support Trump, compared to 32 for Clinton.

While the CNN polling suggests Trump is favored by almost half of those identifying themselves as Independents, both Republicans and Democrats argue that they are attracting voters from the other side.

After the party conventions, Clinton held an 8 point lead over Trump in early August.

However, likely voters reported having a more favorable view of Trump than Clinton. He pulls support from younger, whiter voters.

“For this reason, we support Donald Trump and his commitment to rebuild our military, to secure our borders, to defeat our Islamic supremacist adversaries and restore law and order domestically”, they write. Among registered voters, Clinton’s favorables have been trending downward and unfavorables have been trending upward.

In a two-way race, Trump leads Clinton 49 to 48 per cent.

In its own statement, the Trump campaign said Mrs. Clinton is merely trying to distract from recent polls showing that the race has tightened, and is trying to move attention away from an ongoing pay-to-play scandal involving the Clinton Foundation and Mrs. Clinton’s State Department. At Trump’s recent campaign appearances, he has argued that he would do more to improve life for racial and ethnic minorities, but voters seem to disagree, 58 percent say Clinton is better on that score vs. 36 percent who choose Trump, and among non-whites, 86 percent choose Clinton to just 12 percent who think Trump would better improve their lives.

By comparison, he said, Hillary Clinton has stood up to Putin before and has worked with leaders across the Middle East, so she will be able to craft and lead a foreign policy that will have the rest of the world looking to America for leadership.

That effort began with appearances on Labor Day by Vice President Joe Biden in Pennsylvania, Bernie Sanders in New Hampshire, and former President Bill Clinton in MI. Another 16 percent back Johnson, 6 percent Stein.


It’s worth noting that Gary Johnson has leveled off at 7% and Jill Stein is below the background noise level at 2%. The survey includes results among 886 registered voters and 786 likely voters.

Democratic presidential candidate and former secretary of State Hillary Clinton said Tuesday that President Barack Obama called her when negotiators had reached a deal on Iran's nuclear program