
Donald Trump trails Hillary Clinton by double-digits in Pennsylvania

The longtime Republican and former California gubernatorial candidate said in an interview with the New York Times that she would use her financial resources and provide a “substantial” donation to Clinton’s campaign. He blamed her Middle East policies for causing the creation of the Islamic State group.


Sixty-one percent of those polled said they think Clinton is dishonest though 64 percent said she has the temperament to serve as president.

New polling released Thursday shows Democrat Hillary Clinton up 11 percentage points in Pennsylvania and 15 in New Hampshire.

“I trust she can lead”, Rep. Hanna wrote of Clinton.

The survey also showed the unpopularity of the Republican nominee’s recent scuffles in the media, particularly Trump’s feud with the father of a Muslim-American soldier killed in Iraq. “I want someone to be president that my children can look up to”, Hanna said at the time.

“I really would like him to explain why he paid Chinese workers to make Trump ties”, she told employees in Denver, “instead of deciding to make those ties right here in Colorado”.

Pushing back on reports that there is chaos in the Republican, Trump said the party was united.

A Franklin and Marshall College Poll found that Mrs. Clinton received a bigger bounce than Mr. Trump out of their respective party conventions last month and that Mrs. Clinton has more support among members of her own party in a state where Democrats easily outnumber Republicans.

He was deeply upset when GOP leaders “took the other side” during his ongoing quarrel with the Khan family, one person said, and blames his campaign staff for not keeping top Republicans in line. John McCain and Speaker of the House Paul Ryan speaking out against his comments.

Still, several Republican strategists said down-ballot candidates weren’t necessarily making a mistake by disavowing Trump’s message but supporting his candidacy – or, as Cooper put it, “condemning the sin and not the sinner”.


“This would be the end of any other Republican candidate in the history of the country”.

US Republican congressman to vote for Clinton