
Donald Trump triples down on 9/11 comments

Speaking at a campaign fundraiser for his brother Jeb! in Denver Sunday, former President George W. Bush had a few words for numerous Republican candidates seeking the nomination.


“That Trump echoes the attacks of Michael Moore and the fringe Left against my brother is yet another example of his risky views on national-security issues”, Bush wrote.

Trump has repeatedly said that he doesn’t blame George W. Bush for 9/11.

Trump, who first made his 9/11 comments in an interview with Bloomberg Television, toldFox News Sunday that his immigration policy could have blocked the 2001 attacks because “I doubt that those people would have been in the country” in the first place. “The World Trade Centre came down during his reign”. So when he said we were safe, we were not safe. We lost 3,000 people, it was one of the greatest – probably the greatest catastrophe ever in this country if you think about it, right?

“I just don’t like that guy”, Bush said.

Republican Presidential candidate Jeb Bush cast doubt on rival Donald Trump’s judgment and ability to lead the United States in a complex world, saying the Republican front-runner discusses foreign policy like a reality show star.

Bush reportedly criticized Cruz for declining to attack Donald Trump, presumably in hopes of winning over the real estate mogul’s supporters when he drops out of the race. “I’m not saying I would’ve prevented them, but I would’ve had a chance because I’m pretty good at this stuff”. He wants to send a signal to other candidates that there is a price to pay for hitting him. Minutes later he again declined to say anything when asked to react to Jeb Bush’s response on Twitter.

Trump also stated his plans to talk to Vladimir Putin with regards to enforcing the nuclear deal with Iran. Currently, the biggest threat to Bush in coalescing establishment support is Senator Marco Rubio, against whom he’s fighting a second front.

Trump’s comments were obviously aimed at stemming any momentum that Bush’s brother, Jeb, may have generated on the presidential campaign trail.

Trump then charged that he would have implemented a “massive whistleblower system” before the 9/11 attacks so that law enforcement officials could have prevented them. “I’m extremely tough on people coming into this country”, Trump said.


The latest sparring between Trump and Jeb Bush is just the latest in a series of feuds that have marked the two contenders’ relationship through the primary.
