
Donald Trump Trying to Clear Up Immigration Stance

Trump’s first tweet about the shooting ended this way: “Just what I have been saying”.


During the primary, Trump hitched his political wagon to 11 million illegal immigrants, promising to toss the lot of them out of the country.

Such plans nearly always come with preconditions an immigrant must meet to earn legal status or, in plans supported by more liberal lawmakers, citizenship.

Like Trump, Perry came down on San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick, who has refused to stand for the “Star Spangled Banner” to protest what he says is police oppression.

Republican Vice Presidential nominee Mike Pence said that Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump will not allow undocumented immigrants to become American citizens.

What Villareal doesn’t want to hear: “I don’t want to hear him espouse Ted Cruz’s immigration plan”, said Villarreal, who has been active in the local and national Republican party.

For the past 14 months, we’ve listened to Donald Trump shout about “illegal immigrants” like an old man shaking his fist at a cloud. “I would get people out and I would have an expedited way of getting ’em back into the country so they can be legal”, Trump told CNN’s Dana Bash in July.

Trump has been softening his stance on immigration over the past few weeks, but there’s still plenty of valley activists who don’t agree with him and they will be outside the Phoenix Convention Center to protest his visit.

In his recent shakeup, Trump tapped pollster Kellyanne Conway as campaign manager and Madrid said he sees change in the campaign’s messaging and it adopting a more sophisticated way of how they are discussing immigration.

Suddenly, it seemed that Mexico isn’t merely sending its rapists and murderers over the border but “terrific” people, too.

That collection of moderately humane word salad made everyone angry, particularly when he turned to Hannity’s audience and tried to poll them on what they thought: “No. 1, we’ll say throw out”.

No explanation as to how that happens, given bothersome little annoyances like the right to due process and a court backlog that already amounts to years of waiting for a deportation hearing.

Pena Nieto remained silent on the issue at the event, but then said on Twitter he did raise the issue. Trump notes that he is under pressure to lay out his immigration policy in a speech that he gave in Iowa over the weekend.

Trump can appeal to his supporters by taking a hard line on immigration – or he can soften his position to appeal more widely.

But Chen, the Republican policy adviser, said a President Trump arriving at the White House without detailed plans could be limited in how much he might achieve, since a new president’s power is at its apex early on.

“That’s really the question here, John”, she replied.

I think we can sum up Trump’s plan quite easily. He suggested that undocumented immigrants who are caught will be deported – with no exceptions – but didn’t directly call for actions that would lead to the mass deportations of all 11 million in the country.

Should they stay or should they go? “I had a great meeting with great people, great Hispanic leaders, and there could certainly be a softening because we’re not looking to hurt people”.


“If Mr. Trump were to go down a path of wishy-washy positions on things that the core foundation of his support has so appreciated, and that is respecting our Constitution and respecting law and order in America, then yeah, there would be massive disappointment”, Palin told The Wall Street Journal. Would they be granted work visas with expiration dates?

Conway: The Softening on Immigration 'Is More Approach than Policy'