
Donald Trump unveils his controversial anti-terrorism plan

Multiple government agencies also conduct security screenings that generally takes one to two weeks, according to Charlotte Slocombe, a partner at immigration law firm Fragomen.


Latest major poll averages from Real Clear Politics have Clinton ahead of Trump by 6.8%.

The Republican compared the battle to defeat the Islamic State (Isis) death cult with the Western struggle against communism during the cold war.

“Donald Trump proposed an ideological “test” to ensure that potential immigrants support American values”. He vowed to keep Guantanamo Bay open, to join Russian Federation to battle terrorism in the Middle East and to launch a “commission” on radical Islam.

“We must screen out any with hostile attitudes toward our country and principles”, Trump said.

“As president, I will call for an worldwide conference focused on this goal”, he said.

The debate with Clinton’s policies is that some believe she would add millions more jobs than would be gained under current policies, while other economists don’t see her moving the needle much on jobs and growth.

The adviser continued, “We have no reason to bring someone into our country who is going to harbor that hostility”. “It all began in 2009 with what has become known as President Obama’s global “Apology Tour”, the Republican said, referring to a historic speech by Mr. Obama to the Muslim World in Cairo, Egypt.

He traced a trail of terrorist carnage across Europe – from Paris and Nice to Brussels and Germany – that he tied in with attacks on United States soil including in Fort Hood, Boston, Chattanooga, San Bernardino and Orlando.

Hillary Clinton Surges on Electoral Vote Map, Showing Enough Support to Win Presidency Over Donald Trump: “Hillary Clinton tops the electoral votes needed to win the White House in a new map projection released Monday that shows the Democratic nominee would earn 288 electoral votes, while Republican rival Donald Trump would secure just 174, if the election was held today”.

“The failures in Iraq were compounded by Hillary Clinton’s disaster, total disaster, in Libya”, Trump said. But the real estate mogul is banking on his hawkish stance striking a nerve with a scared public looking for strong leadership.

“As he laid out in his Orlando remarks, Mr. Trump will describe the need to temporarily suspend visa issuances to geographic regions with a history of exporting terrorism and where adequate checks and background vetting can not occur”.

Trump also called for a beefed up approach on homeland security. “Viciously if necessary”, he pledged. “We will work side by side with our friends in the Middle East, including our greatest ally, Israel”.

In a speech the Republican presidential nominee delivered on Monday on Ohio, Trump pledged to build a bipartisan and worldwide consensus, re-classifying United States allies as any nation that will stand with Washington against “radical Islamic extremism”. “She [Clinton] lacks the mental and physical stamina to take on ISIS”. Smetters says that by making undocumented workers legal citizens, they gain access to safety nets like unemployment insurance and would therefore be a little less inclined to work.

The GOP presidential hopeful laid out his plan in a speech in Youngstown, Ohio Monday afternoon. That news will come as a disappointment to Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah, who recently praised Trump for boldly and erroneously declaring President Obama the founder of ISIS.

“(Trump) is not qualified to know the codes”, Biden claimed.

“Donald Trump on Monday talked in a measured voice”. But all that was before Trump spoke.

“It was a series of slogans without any policy behind it”.

However, he also points out that documented workers tend to be more productive than undocumented workers.

Trump is also set to make clear in his prepared remarks that the U.S. will abandon any ambitions for nation-building or spreading democracy in the Middle East, expanding on his criticism of the Iraq War while on the campaign trail.


“I have previously said North Atlantic Treaty Organisation was obsolete because it failed to deal adequately with terrorism”. The vice president went on to say Trump is “unqualified” to be president, arguing he lacks any kind of foreign policy experience or interest to learn about worldwide challenges. When he’s focused, when he’s on message and when says things that most of us agree with, we ought to acknowledge that.

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