
Donald Trump: US president is the ‘founder of ISIS’

During the Thursday interview, Trump said that Obama and Clinton deserve “the most valuable player award having to do with Iraq and having to do with the ISIS situation”, he said.


“He was the founder of ISIS, absolutely”, Trump said on CNBC when asked if it was “appropriate” to say that Obama founded a terrorist organization.

“In many respects, you know, they honour President Obama”, Trump said during the campaign rally outside Fort Lauderdale, Florida.

“Donald Trump should apologise for his outrageous, unhinged and patently false suggestions on the founding of ISIS”, the DNC said in a statement.

But the GOP nominee remained steadfast, saying it was “no mistake” what he said, standing by his labeling of the Democratic opponent as a “co-founder”.

Trump will be speaking again Thursday morning in Miami Beach at a Board meeting of the National Association of Home Builders (NAHB). “ISIS will hand her the most valuable player award”.

But Trump was critical of how his quote was reported on.

After lamenting the “mistake” the U.S. made by going to war in Iraq – a conflict he repeatedly says that he opposed, despite evidence to the contrary – Trump then criticized Obama’s attempts to “clean up”.

In the Florida speech, Trump referred to the president by adding his middle name Barack Hussein Obama. He later added of Clinton, “Oh boy, is ISIS hoping for her”. “You meant he created the vacuum, he lost the peace”, Hewitt said.

“You know how they get out?”

But the facts are beside the point, aren’t they?

“I’m going to keep doing what I’m doing”, said a defiant Trump.

“ISIS is honoring President Obama”.

The Jordanian-born terrorist Abu Musab al-Zarqawi is widely considered the founder of ISIS.

Meanwhile, Clinton on Wednesday sternly warned her Republican presidential rival Donald Trump about his “casual inciting” of violence, saying his startling remarks suggesting gun rights supporters could act against her “crossed the line”.

Sitting behind Trump at his rally on Wednesday was former Rep. Mark Foley, R-Fla., who resigned in 2006 after allegations he sent sexually suggestive messages to former House pages.

“Look at the way they covered that story yesterday”.

But Hayden, who co-signed an open letter this week with other foreign policy and security experts saying they won’t back the real estate mogul, said Trump’s comments were far too inflammatory.

“I have mixed feelings about that”, she said. I think we’re going to have a victory.


After that, Trump launched into his trademark unscripted campaign pitch, moving from one topic to another – a wall at the Mexican border, better trade deals, repealing theAffordable Care Act, stopping Common Core, blocking immigration of unscreened immigrants from countries wracked by terrorism – all of them red meat for his fans.

Donald Trump calls Barack Obama the 'founder of Isis'