
Donald Trump uses Pokémon Go to attack Hillary Clinton

Those results were released two days after a Quinnipiac University poll showing Trump with a three-point edge over Clinton in a head-to-head race in Florida and a five-point lead with Johnson and Stein included. Today, just 62 per cent of USA adults say it is important to them that the president has strong religious beliefs.


Large and growing numbers of voters view Clinton as dishonest, the poll indicates, but she is helped by Trump’s poor ratings on an array of personal attributes. “They will be responsible for creating the future of politics”.

A significant majority of white evangelical voters showed their support for Trump as the next president, according to the latest Pew Research Center study. Michael Bennet had a 15-point, 53 percent to 38 percent lead over Republican challenger Darryl Glenn.

Trump has harmed himself in the eyes of prospective voters with his own comments, but Clinton’s recent email scandal may have done the most damage to her reputation.

CNN notes that voters under 30 have voted predominantly for the Democrat candidate since 1988.

A potential Trump presidency was seen to be scarier than that of Clinton; 33 percent said they would be afraid if Trump was elected and 25 percent said they would be afraid of Clinton.

The IOP also tracked the enthusiasm of voters, asking them to rank themselves on a scale from “very enthusiastic” to “not at all enthusiastic”.

Donald Trump said Bernie Sanders’ endorsement this week of Hillary Clinton, his rival for the Democratic presidential nomination, is “like Occupy Wall Street endorsing Goldman Sachs”. The same people who supported him in the Republican primary are sticking with him in the general election. Last month, 26 percent said the same. Surprisingly, one-third of those polled want “to find a reset button and start again”.

“Lawmakers say Clinton’s former Democratic opponent, Bernie Sanders, received applause at the lunch”.

The former governor and mayor of Richmond came out with Clinton and stood next to her on stage while she spoke.

Eighty percent of Trump supporters and three-quarters of Clinton backers say a major reason for their support is opposition to the other candidate.


The polls are being released as Virginia party delegates head to national conventions.

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump speaks at a campaign rally Tuesday in Westfield Ind