
Donald Trump vaults into lead over Hillary Clinton

A new CNN/ORC national poll has Donald Trump in the lead by 5 points, a sign of a post-convention bump for the Republican nominee. That year Al Gore and George W. Bush both boosted their numbers by an identical 8 points post-convention before ultimately battling all the way to the Supreme Court.


But calling OH a “traditionally Democratic” state isn’t necessarily accurate.

That is Trump’s best showing against Clinton in CNN’s poll since September.

As a Democratic loyalist, Clinton “has sown a lot of seeds on behalf of other candidates”, at all levels, Levy said, including getting her supporters to help Obama eight years ago. Heading into last week’s confab in Cleveland, 34 percent of independents supported Clinton and 31 backed Trump. “They’ve been, as in any primary process, buried in the back and forth” between Clinton and Sanders, Podhorzer said.

The poll also reflects a sharpening of the education divide among whites that has been prevalent throughout the campaign.

“Hillary Clinton’s choice of Senator Tim Kaine as her running mate sends a message to Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren and their progressive populist supporters: There’s a home for you in the Democratic Party, but I’m still the landlord”.

But Clinton has real work to do on her own behalf, which is why the Democrats’ conclave will be far more positive and upbeat than the GOP’s gloomy attack-fest.

Many voters still have concerns about Trump’s bid, however, with 58 percent saying he is unprepared for the presidency. Trump’s ratings for honesty and trustworthiness climbed (38% to 43%), as did the percentage of those would be proud to have him as president (32% to 39%). And almost half now say he’s in touch with the problems ordinary Americans face in their daily lives (46% say so, 37% did before the convention). With that, the presumptive Democratic nominee signaled that her party will offer a very different picture of America at its convention in Philadelphia this week – and rightly so.

Fifty percent say she also has the temperament for the Oval Office, but 66 percent say she is not trustworthy. And like Trump, negative views of Clinton run deep, even among some supporters. Nearly 6 in 10 (58%) said the Republican convention spent too much time attacking Democrats, and 18% called Trump’s speech “terrible”, the highest by far since CNN started began the question in 1996.

In return, Clinton seized upon what she called the “fear and the anger and the resentment” from Trump and Republicans, dismissing Trump’s declaration that only he could fix the problems that afflict the nation. We brought Bernie Sanders to this to this party, so to speak and we intend to be there, ” said Sanders delegate Donna Martin. He said Trump didn’t win over persuadable voters, but simply shored up his base.

“It was just an angry mob”, Mook told reporters at a Bloomberg Politics breakfast in Philadelphia. But with Trump as their opponent, it’s a good bet they’ll come up with some way to do it that’s, well, pretty good.

“It’s slightly unique for Clinton and Trump because they’re incredibly well-known”, Pfeiffer said. The sea of white faces that television viewers saw on the GOP convention floor – there were fewer than 20 African Americans among the 2,472 delegates – will be replaced by a crowd that looks more like the diverse America of 2016.

As for prominent names on the speaker list, they’ll all be there – but of the 50 governors, senators, Members of Congress and others who are supposedly addressing the convention, none of them are being put forth as keynote speakers.


Sanders addresses the convention Monday night, where he’ll have the chance to unite the party by repeating that exhortation to Democrats nationwide. Vice Presidential nominee Mike Pence, whose Wednesday speaking slot was largely overshadowed following Ted Cruz’s defiant stand on the convention stage, also bolstered the electorate’s impression of him, landing at a 39% favorable rating overall, up from 26% pre-convention.
