
Donald Trump visiting US-Mexico border today

Bush, if truth be known, is not exactly dynamic on the campaign trail. The dramatically-filmed video titled “How to Destroy Your Cell Phone With Sen”.


Check out “How To Destroy Your Cell Phone With Lindsey Graham” below.

A phone call to the number by a Reuters reporter went to a voicemail message that said the number belonged to Graham. “I was their fair-haired boy”, Trump said.

“He’s playing the part of Clark Gable in ‘Gone with the Wind, ‘ with his attitude [of], ‘Frankly my dear, I do not give a damn.’ And that’s what gives him his strength”, Rather said.

He’s previously declined to rule out an independent bid, but Wednesday’s interview marked the first time he’s said his treatment by the GOP will play a role in that decision. Within minutes, Senator Graham’s voice mailbox was full. “I think border guards know that”. Lindsey Graham called me a jackass. Sheldon Whitehouse of Rhode Island came up behind him, clapped a hand on his back and said, “I’ve been trying to call you, but I haven’t been able to get through!”

LULAC immediately responded to the comments, calling on businesses with ties to Trump to cut those ties. “I was hit by somebody unfairly”. Perry – who once posted Instagram photos of himself with Trump – dismissed him as a “barking carnival act”. “I would deal very differently”. “Politicians will never make this country great again”.

Federal election regulators released new details Wednesday about Republican presidential candidate and celebrity businessman Donald Trump’s wealth and financial holdings, weeks after he estimated his net worth at roughly billion.

A day after Donald Trump read his telephone number aloud during a campaign appearance, South Carolina Sen.

McCain condemned Trump for catering to “the crazies” in the party. “People can see through the glasses”. Asked if he would be getting a new one, he laughed and said yes. “It is important for us to have a presidency that restores dignity and class to the White House, and I don’t believe that some of the language that Mr. Trump is employing is worthy of the office”.

Trump was criticized by fellow Republicans after he said Saturday that Arizona Senator John McCain, a Vietnam veteran and former Republican presidential candidate who was captured, tortured and imprisoned for five years, was considered a war hero only because he was captured. Even if they disagree with the stance of the honesty, many Americans are over the headline that doesn’t match the actions of the political beings who claim to represent “we the people”.


Perry branded Trump “a known employer of illegal immigrant labor” whose border security record “is non-existent at best and a farce at worst”.

Payback: Trump holds up rival's phone number after criticism - KPVI News 6