
Donald Trump vows to win nomination: ‘I’m not going anywhere’

Donald Trump pushed back Tuesday on media reports and critics’ claims that he is looking for an exit to the Republican presidential race, telling CNN that “I’m not going anywhere” and stressing that he continues to lead GOP polls. Marco Rubio (R-FL) for third with eight percent each. Trump plays a special role in the 2016 political race.


According to Real Clear Politics, Trump has a five-point lead over the GOP field nationally. The Mercyhurst poll suggests that one in six Republicans remain undecided, and while they might prefer an outsider, most said their own vote wouldn’t be swayed against a candidate who’d held office.

In diverse parts of the world, many see the ascendant Trump candidacy with a mixture of bemusement, astonishment and alarm. His comprehensive tax reform proposal would end a number of highly lucrative tax loopholes for hedge fund managers and other wealthy Americans.

Among the factors helping Mr. Trump: 45 percent of those polled said that they’d be more likely to vote for a candidate whose campaign is self-financed – making that as powerful a consideration as whether a candidate is an evangelical Christian.

“We have officials all over the place, including right outside hanging out in trees”, Trump told reporters a few months ago in Charlottesville, Virginia.

Yet Sanders is running as a populist who shuns the political establishment and who is closely aligned with the party’s left wing. MARS also backed many liberal programs: By a large percentage, they favored government guaranteeing jobs to everyone; and they supported price controls, Medicare, a few kind of national health insurance, federal aid to education, and Social Security. And he seems to have support among Russia’s emerging financial elite, many of whom are billionaires themselves.

The new show, Sons of Trump, kicks off with a massive image of his grinning face projected onto a $100 bill before a voice in a heavy American accent bellows: “Welcome, frijoleros!” an anti-Mexican slur meaning “beaners”, or “bean lovers”. Even 43 percent of Republicans agreed with the statement: “Trump can’t be trusted”.

The survey echoes the findings of a Washington Post-ABC News poll in mid- September showing that support for traditional politicians like former Republican Florida governor Jeb Bush and former Sen. Rick Santorum, who won the caucuses in 2012.


However, a little bit more discreetly, Trump asked the FBI to investigate the alleged death threats made by El Chapo against him.

Trump Predicts that G.O.P. Race and Television Will Fall into “Depression” if