
Donald Trump Wall Walk Of Fame Star

Now one artist has made the contentious wall a reality – although this one has been built around Mr Trump’s star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame in Los Angeles.


The six-inch-high wall is complete with a barbed wire fence and miniature American flags.

“Donald_Trump_begins_race_for_White_House_after_securing_Republican_nomination/” class=”local_link” >of the wall around Trump’s name and onlookers surrounding it was posted on Plastic Jesus’ website. In addition, building the Donald Trump Walk of Fame wall was a ideal opportunity for the artist to promote his now-infamous slogan, which is “stop making stupid people famous”.

One of the cornerstones of Trump’s campaign was his insistence that if elected he will build a wall along the United States border with Mexico to prevent illegal immigrants crossing over.

The artist is known for posting “No Trump Anytime” signs on street corners. The same sign was unveiled in Chicago, New York, Washington, D.C., and Miami.

On his Twitter, Plastic Jesus joked that Mexico didn’t have to pay for this wall.

But today, tourists were confronted with a much smaller wall around Trump’s star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.


Speaking to artnet, Jesus explained that while other artists have focused on ” personal attacks ” against the Republican presidential nominee, “I think really what we should be focused on is attacking ridiculous policies that will damage the U.S.”.

Street Artist Plastic Jesus Erects Tiny Wall Around Donald Trump's Star On the Hollywood Walk of Fame