
Donald Trump wants money from Mideast countries supported by US

But at the Iowa State Fair, where a life-size butter cow rules and fairgoers devour stick-impaled delicacies, it is the candidacy of Donald Trump that perhaps best captures the air of raucous excess.


The only problem, however, was most of those the billionaire Republican presidential frontrunner catered to aren’t yet old enough to cast a ballot.

Democratic presidential candidate Lincoln Chafee tells Iowa voters at the State Fair on Saturday that the main justification for the Iraq War was “all a hoax”.

“I am Batman”, Trump said.

Amy Wright, a Republican from Ankeny, Iowa, was among the fairgoers who was disappointed that Trump and Clinton didn’t make it to the soapbox.

Trump, the brash, provocative real estate mogul and television personality who has rocketed to the top of the Republican polls, was making his entrance at the Iowa state fairgrounds outside Des Moines.

During an interview with Breitbart News, Trump said he expected Clinton to be taken down by her email scandal and the General Election to be between him and Vice President Joe Biden.

Clinton must also be sure to emphasize the historic and distinct nature of her campaign.

DES MOINES, Iowa-Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders was midway through his speech at the Iowa State Fair’s “soapbox” stage when a helicopter buzzed overhead.

The helicopter roared to life, causing another windstorm, hurling more dust at the people outside. But you’re going to see Sanders have to change to retail politics very soon.

His was a different kind of political red meat, and the audience’s political appetite was aroused. And to continue to wax cynical, I think it would take an indictment of Herself, not merely an investigation that ultimately finds a fall guy in Clintons IT team or even among her intimates, to turn Democratic primary voters against Hillary or force her from the race.

“I’m turning down so much money”, Trump boasted at a press conference kicking off his weekend trip. They’re all going to talk about I’ll do this and I’ll do that. The pandemonium followed him around for roughly an hour – and during a stop for a pork chop on a stick. “It’s really weird for the state fair to have cold beer”.

Clinton, too, was encircled by a media horde and mobbed by fans.

Trump began his campaign in June by saying Mexico is sending its criminals and rapists to the U.S. The comment sparked outrage from Hispanic civil rights groups and others.

Some of Clinton’s supporters criticized her decision to avoid taking questions from fairgoers at the soapbox, although she did answer a few questions from reporters at a morning news conference.

Through the tough struggles of the civil rights movement, he always kept his sense of humor, and it was his steady demeanor that helped him persist, the activist’s wife recalls.

The former senator and governor from Rhode Island says he discovered for himself that ex-Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein didn’t have weapons of mass destruction by checking directly with the Central Intelligence Agency.

On Friday night, Clinton had made light of her email issues – noting that she had joined Snapchat and loved it because messages disappear within seconds.

Shortly after Clinton and Trump were ferried off the fairgrounds – Clinton by armored Chevrolet Suburban, Trump by golf cart – Sen.


Sanders: O.K., Ana, I don’t mean to be rude here.
