
Donald Trump Wants The Attorney General To Investigate Black Lives Matter

Activist DeRay Mckesson explained to CNN on Monday that diverting the Black Lives Matter message by saying “all lives matter” was like yelling “colon cancer matters” at a breast cancer rally. Police chief Michael Sauschuck said he was not contacted by organizers before the protest.


They met Sunday night already to get the dialogued started. “We have a black Democratic president in the White House – I’ve been marching for justice since Trayvon”, he said, referencing the 2012 shooting of Trayvon Martin in Florida.

Kurtenbach also asked the community to highlight things which go well.

“When I say all lives, I mean police lives, the civilian lives, our future lives, the lives that we’re living today”, she said.

Miner said there will not be more than the normal police presence at other protests for the black lives matter rallies.

The center of the OH city has been swamped by police concerned about tensions between different groups of demonstrators – and their own safety in the wake of the murder of eight officers in the course of a week, each by long black gunmen.

However, his support is only verbal as he mentioned that Portland PD was not going to comply with protesters’ demand to set up body camera program, which would do police service much more transparent.

“It’s time to stop the violence time to come together its time to unify”, said Quisha Bankhead, the march organizer.

“It’s a very, very serious situation and we just can’t let it happen”.

“I’m just here for unity in the community and for peace for all the family members who lost their lives from gun violence or police violence”, Golphin said.


Attendees say it’s important for people around the world to know that Las Vegas supports them.

Video: Kalamazoo County Sheriff dances at Black Lives Matter march