
Donald Trump Will Headline GOP Convention’s Final Night

Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort lashed out at Cruz for not publically endorsing the GOP presidential candidate as well as refusing to say his name during his RNC speech Wednesday night inside Quicken Loans Arena.


Footage shows the Republican presidential candidate marching on-stage during the third night of the Republican National convention in Cleveland, last night, to greet Mr Pence.

To be fair, Cruz congratulated Trump on winning the Republican nomination early in his speech, and he emphasized that Republicans can not afford to stay home in November. Ted Cruz isn’t backing down.

Nonetheless, 31 Louisiana delegates voted for the NY billionaire, including all five delegates pledged to Florida Sen. The rest of his speech was hard to hear over the noise of the crowd. As Cruz wrapped, he was booed loudly, though he remained smiling and waving politely as he walked off the stage still without giving an official blessing.

Marco Rubio addresses the Republican National Convention, July 20, 2016.

Peter Thiel, the co-founder of PayPal, will become one of the first openly gay people to speak at a GOP convention when he addresses delegates. “I don’t know if Donald can keep that out of him”, said Gilmore. Cruz vowed not to say anything negative against Trump going forward.

A few minutes before, I had been talking to Brenda High, from Pasco, Washington, a Cruz delegate who is distinctly ambivalent about Trump.

If that’s how they really feel, then Cruz’s request to “vote your conscience” would have registered as a bland statement of patriotism, instead of a tacit wink at those who are considering voting for Hillary Clinton (or Gary Johnson) instead. “In this election, there is only one candidate who will uphold the Constitution”, Gingrich said. “If we don’t make that case to the American people, we don’t have a path to victory”, he said. In the end, he judged the GOP nominee as unpredictable but still a better choice than Democrat Hillary Clinton. Or Ohio Governor John Kasich, who hasn’t endorsed Trump, didn’t speak at the convention, and is eyeing another presidential campaign himself. Up two levels, in a seat across the convention hall from the speakers’ platform, an enraged female Trump supporter stood and pointed and yelled: “Say it, say it, say it”.

Pence also lobbed his own criticism at their Democratic challenger. They’re not here because they’re planning to vote Republican in November.

SEN. TED CRUZ: I am not in the habit of supporting people who attack my wife and attack my father. It’s time to come together to fight for a new direction for America. “He’s the nominee…. Everyone wants to get to a position where we’re all lockstep and going”.

Trump pledged to scrap the North American Free Trade Agreement with Canada and Mexico unless they negotiate new terms that include discouraging USA companies from moving their operations out of the country.


“I just think it was an terrible performance”, Christie told MSNBC.

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump stands with Republican vice presidential candidate Mike Pence and acknowledge the crowd on the third day of the Republican National Convention