
Donald Trump will never become president

Mitt Romney has said he’s voting for Cruz in Utah and on Monday Utah Republicans received a pre-recorded call from the GOP’s first Mormon presidential nominee.


Trump hosted the event Monday to tout progress of the transformation of Washington’s Old Post Office Pavilion into a Trump-branded hotel. Winning the presidency this time round will give them unlimited powers to shape the future of the country for years to come.

Bernie Sanders has scored a big win in the Democrats Abroad global primary. But there are fewer of them after every election, and they’re nearly gone.

As the authors of the preemptive strike doctrine that triggered the Iraq war, Republican leaders should by now be well-versed in its many problems. Trump might well announce that the party isn’t treating him nice and bolt, taking his fans with him.

Donald Trump and his supporters contend that the GOP establishment is a bunch of gutless, cowardly weasels who won’t fight for what they believe in. They would not be wrong. Respected thinkers on the right, like conservative blogger Erick Erickson, The Weekly Standard’s Editor William Kristol, the National Review’s Editorial Board, among others have coalesced around a swelling anyone-but-Trump campaign. He appears to be upset not that modern-day storm troopers are breaking up Mr. Trump’s rallies, but that it’s the Donald to blame. But there is little doubt Trump will shred that non-aggression pact as soon as it no longer serves his purposes. And that’s the best-case scenario.

Gov. Barbour concluded: “If you don’t trust the people and recognize that they’re gonna be wrong sometimes”.

Most other states have similar rules; in OH, would-be independent candidates have to have their petitions certified before the end of May.

Trump would also thus confront one of the greatest challenges he faces as a candidate: uncertainty about governance in a Trump administration. Yet, this line of reasoning has never been borne out.

“I think Donald Trump is a despicable human being…I agree with Jonah Goldberg”.

This is not to say that Mr Trump would directly order unrest, but it is to say that his irresponsible rhetoric has a way of inciting a mob, while allowing himself plausible deniability.

Getting support from the delegates and the general public to make those changes, however, is a different story. Already, he has predicted a violent outcome should he be denied the nomination at the convention, especially if he gets there with the highest number of delegates.

Voters now expect a democratic process.

Pulling roughly 46% of the vote, Trump had a strong finish over his opponent Ted Cruz – who won 21% of the vote – and John Kasich – who won 10% of the vote. And I understand that. (Yes, that’s usually how speakers and audiences work.) “We ought to condemn this kind of violence and encourage the American people to engage in this political debate in a respectful way”.

A preemptive strike, then, is a hazardous move with limited odds of success. You can see that in places like Iowa and Wisconsin, both of which will have incumbent Republican senators facing serious challenges this year.

Donald Trump was just announced the victor of the Arizona primary, and the results weren’t even close. He finished third, behind Trump and Cruz, next door in MI.

The GOP elites’ last hope was run over by the Trump freight train last week with the ouster of Marco Rubio of Florida. As a candidate, Trump’s willingness to muzzle the press, track Muslim citizens and shred global alliances is, for the moment, just rhetorical. While the officially neutral in the Middle East conflict, his statement sparked a marked rhetorical departure for typically-strongly pro-Israel U.S. presidential candidates.


Huh? This is the Hillary Clinton that wants to raise tax rates to 50 percent or more, is in favor of abortion on demand with no exceptions, wants trillions of dollars of new spending and debt, would shut down America’s oil and gas and coal production, will double down on Obamacare, and was the architect of the disastrous Obama foreign policy of leading from behind.

Donald Trump puts Republicans in an impossible position