
Donald Trump will visit Mexico-Texas border Thursday –, Myrtle

That makes no sense. As a result, net migration from Mexico likely reached zero in 2010, and since then more Mexicans have left the US than have arrived.


Trump has made immigration one of his main issues in his early campaign, railing against the government of Mexico and other countries sending “rapists” and “murderers” into the United States.

American citizens end up paying the price sometimes with their lives. “We have to separate him from the people that have legitimate concerns about the country”.

The billionaire’s mother Mary Anne MacLeod hails from Stornoway, with his Scottish ties inspiring him to invest in the iconic Turnberry estate and the Trump global Golf Links course in Aberdeen.

Why? Because he does not want to face the truth and offend the Hispanic voters. Political correctness needs to go out the door. In a recent Washington Post / ABC News poll, only 24 percent of Republicans and 16 percent of all Americans surveyed said they agree with Trump’s opinion that undocumented immigrants from Mexico are “mainly undesirable people like criminals”. “He won’t fix anything, but at least he’ll talk to you”.

And you were wrong on the comments about Senator John McCain. Trump said over the weekend that McCain, who spent more than five years as a prisoner of war in Vietnam, is considered a war hero because he got captured.

Families of victims of crimes committed by illegal immigrants are standing up in support of Donald Trump. The politicians, crony capitalists, chambers of commerce, unions, special interest groups, illegal aliens and terrorists (both foreign and domestic) who have sold their souls to the devil at the expense of America’s future generations.


In addition, those who legally are in the US, or are pursuing legal status, are required to pass a criminal-background check. But while Sanders’ campaign coverage has been political, the Trump candidacy has been handled more like entertainment because that’s how the media has always covered him.

Donald Trump: Mexicans and John McCain